Meet our Admin Team


eetha Karri 

唱eetha Karri earned her B.S., in 健康 Sciences at the University of Central Florida. 她目前正在杰克逊维尔大学攻读职业治疗博士学位. 毕业后,桑吉莎想专攻急性护理和脊髓损伤, as well as serve those in third world countries.

目前,桑吉莎是写作和学术的高级研究生助理 Support Center. 这学期,她负责监督辅导班的领导 of the center. 她也是佛罗里达职业治疗协会的代表 协会,通过杰克逊维尔学生职业治疗协会 University.

唱eetha is from Orlando and is a true Florida native. She also lived in India for 三年,她在那里上学,学习用母语阅读和写作 language. 她喜欢跳舞(在一个竞争性的舞蹈队),阅读,去海滩, and cook. 桑吉塔选择在学术支持中心工作,以发展她的领导能力 她将在毕业后继续她的OT职业生涯! 

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Shelby Harpe

Shelby earned her B.S. 公共政策和运动机能学专业,专攻医学预科 from Jacksonville University. She transferred to JU from Austin Peay State University in her junior year of undergrad. Currently, Shelby is studying for her Master's in Public Policy and Juris Doctor. She will begin Law School in August of 2024. 她的法律 她的职业生涯将于今年夏天开始,因为她正在沃尔顿县区实习 Attorney's Office.

目前,她是写作和学术支持高级研究生助理 Center housed in Swisher Library's 3rd floor. She oversees the graduate assistant team, writing consultants, and peer tutors. 

谢尔比是杰克逊维尔大学垒球队的一员,也是秘书 学生运动员咨询委员会主席和摩根信息委员会财务主管. 除了垒球,她的爱好还包括和她的两只狗Bentley和Axel一起玩, reading, going to the beach, and shopping.  

谢尔比的家人在她的生活中扮演着重要的角色,不仅是她最大的粉丝,而且 her role models. 她的妈妈朱莉是一所私立幼儿园和小学的校长 school; this has helped Shelby be a leader as she has followed her mom's footsteps. 在这个学期结束时,她将搬回家和她的家人(爸爸、妈妈、爸爸、妈妈)住在一起。 哥哥、姐姐和姐夫),然后她才开始上法学院! 

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Taylor Bates

泰勒·贝茨是一名研究生助理,将于2026年8月从双学位课程中毕业 Master of Public Policy and Master of Marine Science program. She is passionate about 公共政策与科学的交叉,并选择了JU的MPP-MMS项目 全球网络赌博平台的目标是改变海洋和海洋生态系统的知识 shapes how policy is informed. A Georgia native, she completed her B.S. in General 来自佐治亚州劳伦斯维尔的乔治亚格威内特学院的生物和化学专业. Following 从JU毕业后,她希望从事环境政策咨询或环境管理方面的工作 环保署的政府承包商,或者海洋哺乳动物保护. 

她喜欢在ASC工作,因为这给了她一个发挥领导力的机会 skills while connecting students with JU’s academic services. Her hobbies include 陪着她的狗和三只猫(Cammie, Bear, Beanie和Charlie)逛街, cooking, reading, and going to the beach. She also enjoys spending time with her family, 在乔治亚州和世界各地的朋友和亲人.

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 kylie guernick

Kylie Guernick

凯莉·格尼克(Kylie Guernick)是写作和学术支持中心的本科生助理. She is pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Mathematics. Kylie began her career at the W-ASC作为数学的同伴导师,现在她作为学生的一员工作 administration team. 随着她在新角色中的过渡和发展,Kylie是其中的一员 作为面试团队的一员,直接与研究生助理一起工作 eventually become the teams' lead Statistician. She is grateful for the opportunities being offered to her and is excited to see the center grow.

除了她在中心的位置,凯莉是招生的学生大使 办公室. 她喜欢能够见到未来的学生和家庭,以及 demonstrate her passion for her major and school. She also enjoys working alongside 她的同事和招生团队一起工作很有趣.

凯莉的校园活动还包括参加大学奖学金 数学社团,郊游俱乐部,以及参加校内体育活动. Her hobbies 包括阅读,与家人和朋友共度时光,看电影.

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Michael Hodgson

Michael Hodgson

A Florida Native, Michael is pursuing his B.S. in Mathematics with minors in Data Science, Political Science, and Naval Science. Previously a Peer Tutor in Mathematics, 迈克尔现在是写作和学术支持中心的本科生助理 located in Swisher Library. 

他目前是杰克逊维尔大学NROTC项目的二等军官候补生, where he resides as the unit’s Academics Officer. He oversees the academics, study hours, and tutoring for lower-class midshipmen. Once he graduates in the Spring of 2025年,他将被任命为美国海军少尉,这是他的愿望 开始在水面作战核军官方面的职业生涯. 

在NROTC之外,在整个校园里,迈克尔参与了数学协会, Outing Club, and intramural sports. His hobbies include working out, learning, playing video games, and hanging out with friends. 

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Jessymar Torres

Jessymar Torres-Torres

杰西马尔·托雷斯是写作和学术支持的本科生助理 Center. She is a biology major minoring in chemistry. She wants to pursue a career 让人们在亲人或发现死亡后有个了断 the identity of unidentified people who passed away. Jessymar is from Puerto Rico but graduated high school on the island of St. Croix, which is part of the U.S. 维珍 Islands. 高中毕业后,她决定做一个大动作,去参加 他计划于2025年春季毕业.

目前,杰西马尔是国家生物荣誉协会贝塔贝塔贝塔的财务主管. 她也是JU化学系的实验室助理. Before becoming an undergraduate assistant, Jessymar was a peer tutor for the ASC. She tutored biology 和化学课程,并喜欢帮助别人在学术上发展.

杰西玛喜欢听音乐、阅读、写作和看电视节目 free time. 在休息的时候,她喜欢回家和家人一起玩 her dogs (Crunch, a Hinata, and Bear). After she graduates and gets a stable job, 她希望尽可能多地帮助她的家人,并参观不同的地方 the world.

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