

By sponsored program, we mean an activity that is externally funded by funding source (Sponsor) to support an approved instructional activity, research endeavor, or public service and for which there is a level of accountability to the sponsor that is characterized by three distinct components: 1) a pre-defined work plan or scope of work, 2) a budget, 3)报告要求. 所有政府资助的项目都是赞助项目.


奖助金, contracts, or cooperative agreements are the three types of 奖 mechanisms for sponsored programs and serve as evidence of the receipt of support from external 来源. 奖励协议承诺赞助方以一定的金额资助该项目 level and commits 杰克逊维尔大学 to perform the activities specified in the 在规定时间内提出建议.

Generally, when a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement is offered by a funding agency, it is 奖ed to the University on behalf of the 项目 director or principal investigator (PI) who is primarily responsible for executing the requirements of the 奖.


的 principal investigator, when developing and submitting a proposal and administering a 项目, is representing the University and is responsible for upholding the high 杰克逊维尔大学项目的标准. 在大多数情况下,由PI服务 作为预算主管,根据财务管理承担所有责任.

的 official applicant for all sponsored programs is 杰克逊维尔大学, with the Associate Vice President for Research and 赞助项目 designated as the 申请表上的正式签字人. 的 研究和赞助项目办公室 (ORSP) is responsible for the authorization of university commitments to and commitments 对所有赞助项目,无论赞助商的类型或项目的规模. 

This means that all requests, applications, proposals, or other types of solicitations for sponsored programs funding must be coordinated through, and submitted by, the ORSP.


Every request for external funds submitted by 杰克逊维尔大学 is a legal agreement committing the University to engage in certain activities at a certain cost; therefore, the proposed 项目 must align with university, college, and department goals, capabilities 和政策. 这是检讨所有拨款/合约建议的理由。 and signed/approved by appropriate departments, colleges, the ORSP, Controller’s Office, 以及学术事务高级副校长/教务长. 教师 or staff members do not have the authority to bind the University in a legal manner: the signatory authority rests with the President, the Chief Financial Officer, 或者他们指定的人.


A grant is a financial assistance mechanism a sponsor uses to 奖 funds for conducting 指定的、批准的项目. 对项目绩效的责任 主要取决于奖助金接受者. 合同是一种裁决文书 申办者与受助人之间具有法律约束力的采购关系. It obligates the recipient to furnish a 项目 outcome or service that is defined 在书面合同中详细说明,并约束发起人支付.


All full time 杰克逊维尔大学 faculty are eligible to be Principal Investigators. 杰克逊维尔大学的雇员或任命人员(1).e.,兼职教员,研究生 assistants, and research associates) may be PIs with the endorsement of the department 董事/董事长和适当的高级管理层批准.

co-PI, co-I和合作者之间有什么区别?

A Co-PI is a Co-director of the 项目, sharing leadership responsibilities with 其他主要研究者. 共同研究者和其他合作者 contribute to the significant development of the 项目, but are not on equal footing 与PI一起. 术语Co-I和合作者通常可以互换使用,但是 title Co-I should be reserved for collaborators who devote at least 5% effort to the 项目.


A collaborator is an individual who contributes significantly to the development of the 项目, whereas a consultant is usually a service provider who is not involved 与塑造项目,而是执行日常服务. 一般来说,合作者 是根据他们对一个项目投入的努力的百分比来支付报酬的 咨询师按小时收费.


是的. 你的系主任、主任、院长或行政主管必须知道 你寻求外部资金的计划. 全球网络赌博平台强烈建议与 your supervisor about the 项目, specifically to discuss your goals and budget needs, 包括释放时间,以及其他相关信息. ORSP没有责任 for communicating a PI's 项目 in advance of the routing sheet being distributed.


一般来说,没有. 有些机构称他们的奖励为“赠款”,但实际上它们是 “礼物”. 点击这里了解更多信息.

我正在准备一份联邦提案. 我需要注册助学金吗.政府?

不,杰克逊维尔大学是在助学金局注册的组织.政府. π, 其他项目人员不需要在奖助金中使用帐户.政府. ORSP将提交所有补助金.政府 application packages on behalf of the university and track the status of submissions 通过资助.政府.


的 院校覆核委员会 必须回顾所有涉及活人的研究. 审查的目的 是为了确保对人类受试者的权利和福利的保护. More information about the IRB, including the policies and procedures, can be found 在他们的 网站.


成本 sharing is the commitment of 杰克逊维尔大学 re来源 to a sponsored 项目. 费用分担只应在需要时列入提案. 成本 share must be clearly indicated on the routing proposal form along with the account 如果项目被授予,将贡献成本分担的数字. 适当的 senior administration approval is required (College Dean, Provost and Chief Financial 官).


A proposal must have the endorsement of campus officials and therefore requires signatures of the department chairperson/director, college dean, CFO, Provost, and the President. Prior to submission to a sponsor, PIs or designee must obtain all appropriate signatures. 要启动该过程,请联系ORSP.


联邦资助机会可以在 奖助金.去v. 大多数联邦机构都在其机构网站上公布了项目截止日期. 状态, 当地和其他资助者的最后期限也可以通过网络找到. 详情请浏览 ORSP的 资金的机会 重要的截止日期.



ORSP已经准备好并能够帮助并指导您完成整个过程. 一个有用的开始 重点是要考虑列在项目上的行 JU的内部预算表.


A budget justification is a breakdown of your proposed budget in a narrative format. It provides you with an opportunity to explain to the funder why each of the line 完成你的工作范围所必需的物品. ORSP将协助创建 and review of your budget to ensure compliance with both the funder’s guidelines and 遵守JU的内部政策和程序.

What should I do if I've identified a program or 项目 that requires external support?

联系ORSP. 全球网络赌博平台将协助您寻找资金来源,并与项目联系 军官. 您也可以访问 资金的机会 识别潜在的前景. 如果你心中有一个资助者,全球网络赌博平台可以帮助你到达 然后开始起草一份提案.


ORSP的 申请资助 Page作为一个很好的起点,为未来的资助申请人. For the best quality proposal, please avoid waiting until the last minute to contact ORSP. 的 sooner you know, or are even considering applying, the better it is to notify ORSP.

什么样的文件需要路由? 意向书? Pre-applications? 只有 完整应用程序? 技术报告呢??

Any letter of intent, pre-proposal, application, proposal or request for external funding must be approved by the University before being submitted; what varies is 机构审查的水平. 意向书,也叫预建议书, should be reviewed by the ORSP at least 5 days before submission and does not need 被路由. 预提案,通常包括初步预算请求,必须 be reviewed by ORSP at least 5 days before submission, but do not need 被路由. 任何及所有涉及金钱交换的完整提案或申请(i.e., funding coming into the University) must be reviewed by ORSP, Academic Affairs, the 首席财务官和总裁在提交之前. 全球网络赌博平台将尽力协助您的会议 你的最后期限. 技术报告不需要路由.