


在开始提案流程之前的12 - 6个月

识别 相关项目机会 that appear suitable for your project in terms of their objectives and the awards 提供给其他类似机构. 进行持续、彻底的文献综述 确定该领域知识和专家的差距. 获取获奖论文摘要 建议,与成功的pi交谈. 开始计划你的提案:确定具体的 aims of your project based on your literature review, preliminary data, and overall 你研究项目的愿景. 考虑到相应的预算需求 对于项目的每个阶段或任务.

保荐人到期日前3 - 5个月

​​Obtain final solicitation from funding source and read it very carefully; create 一份机构要求清单. 通知ORSP. 联络项目主任(时间表 a phone call, or a visit to their office); prepare a one-page, concise overview of 在电话/会议之前,你的项目要给采购经理审核. 识别和 接触的合作者. 开始写研究计划,然后把它放在一边 编辑,然后继续写.


通知主席/院长将向资助者提交提案. 与ORSP合作 to prepare first drafts of budget and budget narrative; notify Dean of any cost-sharing 或者空间需求. Initiate proposal in Funder's web portal; Give ORSP access (NSF, NIH). Request biosketch or CV from senior key personnel, Solicit Letters of Support or Collaboration (这是有区别的!). 完成任何有关IRB的培训; & 冲突 感兴趣的. 分享初稿供同行评审-将反馈和编辑纳入 研究计划:重写,重写,再重写. 准备/提交内部审核申请(如适用). 继续撰写研究计划,确定项目名称.


将反馈和编辑纳入研究计划:重写,再重写. 完成 有明确预算叙述的预算提案. 与ORSP合作启动 内部审查程序(i.e.、路由).


完成最终预算和提案,准备进行验证/润色. 与ORSP合作启动 路由过程; review compliance, secure Dean's approval.


写文摘/总结. 继续证明/波兰.



If the routing form, final budget and the proposal are not received by ORSP at least 5 working days in advance of the deadline, we cannot guarantee timely submission of 你的建议. Many funding sources require applicants to upload proposals through a web-portal, hit the Submit button, and then standby for verifications and error messages, which 耗时从5分钟到36小时不等. 记住,你的竞争 often resides at other institutions across the entire nation; as everyone begins to upload their proposals, the processing time in the web portals slows tremendously, 有可能提交,排队,但仍然没有在截止日期前完成. We want to avoid submitting any proposal on 赞助商's actual due date because its 有风险,更不用说压力了.


​The ORSP is authorized to submit all proposals on behalf of 杰克逊维尔大学 以及它的教员. 当提案提交时,ORSP将通知教员 已收到所有核查.




While LOIs do not need to be formally routed for internal approvals, they should be reviewed first by the ORSP, especially if there is any reference to budget requests. Many funding agencies request LOIs so they can prepare in advance and have enough 审稿人可以对完整的提案进行评分.


Pre-proposals provide greater detail on the scope of the project than the LOI, but 没有一个完整的提案包含的那么多. 一般来说,它们由赞助商使用 to determine eligibility and suitability of the project in advance of inviting a full 建议提交. 它们通常由项目目标、方法和目标组成 预算提案. 这些不一定要路由,但必须由 ORSP before submission, particularly because of the budget information being requested 赞助商.


This consists of a complete application with all required forms and attachments, and certifications by the ORSP attesting to JU's adherence to federal and state regulations, 以及JU的内部政策. 所有完整的建议书必须在 least 5 days before 赞助商's deadline to allow for the required internal approval 路由过程.





A proposal that was submitted to 赞助商 and not initially selected for funding . Likely, the PI has restructured the original proposal based on reviewer feedback 并重新提交给保荐人考虑.


通常用于多年奖. 假设一个完整的提案被授予50万美元 4年. 虽然预计这笔资金将按预定数额支付 each of the four 一年s, awardees may be required to submit continuation proposals in 一年s 2, 3 and 4 so 赞助商 can officially release the funding for that new 一年.


A proposal that is based on a previously funded application, and submitted to the 发起人要求他们考虑重新资助.


应用程序指导方针/ rfp

发起人的提案请求(RFP)是流程的关键部分. 想想看 as your road map to a successful submission: it tells you exactly what to include and what not to include in your proposal, where to include it, how to format it, and 如何提交包进行审查. 不要偏离RFP,按照自己的方式去做. While your way may likely be more efficient and logical, you must follow the funding 源代码的说明和模板. 许多赞助商对页面长度、页边距、 字体等. 在有限的资金竞争日益激烈的时代,几乎没有 容错余地.

  • Download the online version or print a copy of the application guidelines/RFP from 赞助商.
  • Read the guidelines at least twice, then put them down and walk away for a bit.
  • 回来再读一遍.

The RFP requirements normally take precedence over the generic requirements for a funding agency especially as it pertains to federal sources; often, both must be followed 精确的. 大多数机构甚至不会考虑不完整的提案 顺从,或者迟到.

Many RFPs also include the basic criteria reviewers will be using to score proposals. To ensure a competitive proposal, carefully review and respond to every item in the RFP的评审标准部分.

常见资助者一般指导原则的有用链接: NSF指南; NIH拨款程序概述




This brief summary gives the reviewer an overview of the project's objectives and 方法与意义. 这是你的提案中最重要的部分之一: it is often read first, and if it is not well-written, creative or interesting, a 审稿人可能会觉得没有必要深入阅读提案. 摘要应该 clearly state the significance of the project, the goal(s), methods to be used, and 关于预期结果的声明. 对于NSF来说,项目摘要就是 摘要.


The project narrative should be responsive to the RFP, and organized following the 和RFP里的标题一模一样. 这是为了让评论者不必去寻找 他们用来给你的提案打分的标准的答案. 大多数发起人表示 the number of pages they will accept, and some dictate acceptable fonts and font size. The narrative should be well-written, well-organized, concise and easy to read. It typically includes the following components: statement of need/intro, project objectives, 方法、评估计划和结果的传播. 想想你的读者 make the content easy to understand; using tables, charts, bullets and graphs are 如果赞助商允许,这是展示你信息的好方法.


Here is where you present evidence that you have done your due diligence, and are 最新的发现和研究对您的给定主题. 你可以引用你的 own works, and keep in mind your reviewers may possibly be those whom you cite.


大多数赞助商都有一个提交个人简介的格式或模板. 听从他们的 模板准确,只提供什么是被要求. 不要把你的家包括在内 地址,私人邮箱或家庭电话号码.


Sponsors often want to know how the data/results will be collected and securely stored, 以及如何将结果提供给公众.


JU defines capital equipment as a tangible article that has a useful life of more 一年以上,收购成本在5000美元以上. 一定要清楚地说明理由 在你的预算叙述中.


This is your fiscal expression of your project; every item in the budget should be 很容易链接到项目描述中的操作,反之亦然. 是现实的 about your numbers; avoid padding the budget, and conversely, avoid 'low-balling' 让你的项目对审稿人更有吸引力的数字.


这是你对预算中给出的数字的书面理由. 不要吝啬 detail; show every calculation, and explain why each item, particularly travel and 设备成本,是执行您提议的项目的关键.
