

请访问全球网络赌博平台的LSAC 应用门户.
What is the Application Deadline for the Fall 2024 term?
We are currently accepting applications for our Fall 2024 term. 优先期限 申请这一任期的时间是2024年5月1日. 在此日期之后收到的申请将被取消 be reviewed as space is available in the cohort. 最后期限提交你的 application and all accompanying materials is July 15, 2024.
Please note that we release admissions decisions on a rolling basis and cannot guarantee that t在这里 will still be seats available in the cohort after the priority deadline. We recommend submitting all application materials as soon as you are able. 应用程序 received after the priority deadline will be reviewed as space is available.
The 杰克逊维尔大学 法学院 offers a Juris Doctor (J.D.)项目. 
All in-person courses will be held at 杰克逊维尔大学’s Downtown Campus on the 18th Floor of the VyStar Tower: 76 S Laura St, Jacksonville, FL 32202. Take a virtual tour of the 法学院 to learn more.
What is the academic calendar for the 法学院?
查看法学院的学术日历 在这里.
首届班由14名学生组成. 在未来的队列中,学院 法律 aims to maintain a small faculty-student ratio.
Can I earn my Master in Public Policy (MPP) and Juris Doctor Dual Degree through the J.D. program at the 杰克逊维尔大学 法学院?

法学院 is not offering any dual degree programs at this time. Non-law students at JU may enroll in 法学院 classes, which may be counted in their 作为选修学分的学位课程. However, law classes completed prior to admission to the 法学院 will not count toward a J.D. 学位,如果学生后来是 被法学院录取.

The Master’s of Public Policy degree program allows students enrolled at any ABA-认证 law school to pursue dual degree options from those institutions. JU学院 法律 is currently pursuing ABA accreditation, and hopes to participate in the program 在未来的岁月里.  For more information about what stage the 法学院 is in the ABA accreditation process, please view the "认证信息" below.

是法学院吗 认证?
法学院 has been granted provisional accreditation by the American Bar Association (ABA), and, in accordance with ABA rules, will continue to pursue 完整的认证. 法律 schools that are provisionally 认证 are entitled to all the rights of a fully 认可的法学院. 同样,从ABA的角度来看, graduates of provisionally 认可的法学院s are entitled to the same recognition that is accorded graduates 完全认可的法学院.
During the law school admissions process, applicants will be asked questions about conduct in the past - academic discipline, college residence hall violations, criminal charges, even what may seem like minor traffic violations. 这些问题是 first step in assessing your character and fitness for the legal profession, and how you respond to them can have important implications not just for your admission to law school, but for your admission to the practice of law.
我需要提交性格和体质吗 评价?
是的. In addition to a bar examination, t在这里 are character, fitness, and other qualifications 申请进入美国各大律师协会.S. 管辖范围内. 全球网络赌博平台鼓励申请人 determine the requirements for any 管辖范围内 in which they intend to seek admission 通过联系司法管辖区. Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners.
The questions will be included in the 法学院's application. 
Does the 杰克逊维尔大学 法学院 provide pro bono legal services to 社区?
At this time, 法学院 faculty and students are not offering any legal services 致社会. We encourage our students and faculty to volunteer with organizations in town that support the legal needs of Jacksonville-area residents. 如果你在 need of pro bono help, please visit the Jacksonville Bar Association's 列出当地的法律服务.

What are early steps I should take to prepare for the practice of law? 
In addition to a bar examination, t在这里 are character, fitness, and other qualifications 申请进入美国各大律师协会.S. 管辖范围内. 全球网络赌博平台鼓励申请人 determine the requirements for any 管辖范围内 in which they intend to seek admission 通过联系司法管辖区. Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners.

I would like to meet with an 招生 Counselor, how do I know who to contact?
你可以复习一下 our full list of graduate admissions counselors 以及他们指定的在线节目.
请发邮件给Missy Davenport,地址是 mdavenp@crepedcrusader.com, 有关安排旅游的更多信息.




Accreditation is the hallmark of quality and high standards for legal education and 获得律师资格. The 杰克逊维尔大学 法学院 is provisionally approved by the American Bar Association (Council of the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and 招生 to the Bar, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738), and, in accordance with ABA rules, will continue to pursue 完整的认证. 法律 schools that are provisionally 认证 are entitled to 完全被认可的法学院的所有权利. 同样,从ABA的角度来看, graduates of provisionally 认可的法学院s are entitled to the same recognition that is accorded graduates 完全认可的法学院.

大学北路2800号, 杰克逊维尔,佛罗里达州32211