法学院 教师

Dr. 考特尼巴克莱考特尼一. 巴克莱,4月


电话号码  办公电话:(904)256-7114
电子邮件地址  电子邮件: cbarcla1@crepedcrusader.com


Dr. 考特尼巴克莱在高等教育领域有近15年的经验. Dr. 巴克莱 joined the faculty at JU as professor in the Department of Communication, specializing 公共关系和媒体法. 她专注于跨学科研究,持有一份联合报告 传媒与法律学系聘任教员. Dr. 巴克莱的研究首先分析了 Amendment implications of law and policy impacting the emerging uses of technology and new 媒体 platforms, including chat bots, online data tracking, drones, and social 媒体. 她在国内和国际会议上展示了这项研究, and is the author of "Commercial Speech in a Social Space," a chapter in the third 版的 社交媒体与法律(2023). 她还拥有国家公共关系认证. 在加入 朱大的教授,博士. 巴克莱在雪城大学(Syracuse University)教授媒体法,并于2009年任职 as a 访问ing Scholar at the Electronic Privacy Information Center, mentoring summer law clerks and directing a modernization of the organization's tracking of Freedom 信息请求、上诉和诉讼. 



电话号码  办公电话:(904)256-8865
电子邮件地址  电子邮件: sdevito@crepedcrusader.com


斯科特·德维托教授获得了J.D. 来自康涅狄格大学 he was the Editor-in-Chief of Connecticut Law Review and treasurer of the Moot Court 董事会. 他在高等教育和法学院管理方面有经验 professional experience includes clerking for the late Honorable Justice Michael D. Ryan of the Arizona Supreme Court and practicing commercial law and insurance defense at Lewis and Roca, LLP and Bonnett Fairbourne Balint and Friedman PC in Phoenix Arizona. Professor DeVito teaches in the area of commercial law and engages in quantitative 法律制度与法律教育的实证研究. 


Ph.D. 英语,路易斯安那州立大学

电话号码  办公电话:(904)256-8858
电子邮件地址  电子邮件: lhead@crepedcrusader.com


Dr. 林赛·海德是佛罗里达州律师协会的活跃成员,从事一般民事诉讼 诉讼 and family law at a medium-sized law firm in South Florida, where she directed 并监督公司的实习项目. 认识到她对教学的热情, 后来,她回到了学术界,并获得了博士学位.D. 用英语集中注意力 写作、修辞和文化. 她的学术研究和教学主要集中在交叉领域 of rhetorical theory and legal discourse, criminal procedure and Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, rhetoric of citizenship and identity, composition theory, oral advocacy, 以及法律写作教学法. Dr. 海德定期在地方,国家, and international conferences, and she founded the Legal Writing and Rhetoric Standing 全国高校作文与传播学术会议小组. 她之前 在圣任教. 托马斯大学法学院,佛罗里达国际大学 路易斯安那州立大学.

负责学生成功的副院长 & 酒吧准备


电话号码  办公电话:(904)256-8859
电子邮件地址  电子邮件: lknight4@crepedcrusader.com


劳伦·奈特教授 began her legal career practicing in Jacksonville, Florida. She has recently served as the Chief Operating Officer for a law firm in Savannah, 乔治亚州. 作为一名法学教授,她教授和辅导法律系学生和本科生 students in academic success, LSAT and Bar preparation, criminal law, legal 写作, 职业责任和补救措施. 奈特教授的研究集中在 学生在法学院的经历和法律培训. 她曾任教于 美世大学法学院、萨凡纳法学院和南方大学.


Ph.D. 罗格斯大学历史系

电话号码  办公电话:(904)256-8863
电子邮件地址  电子邮件: bmensel@crepedcrusader.com


Before going into teaching, Professor practiced in the field of Products Liability. He has taught at a number of law schools, including the Charleston 法学院 and, 最近,St。. 托马斯大学法学院. 他教过侵权,财产, 合同、遗嘱和信托以及其他高级课程. 在他的十四年里 在圣. 托马斯,他获得了五项年度教授奖. 他是当选的议员 他是美国法律协会的主席. 门塞尔教授的研究和写作已经集中 19世纪的法律和文化史. 特别是,他写过 普通法隐私权、美国《全球赌博十大网站》.S. 宪法、 rise of caveat emptor, and the importance of counterfeiting in antebellum law and 文化.

拉蒂莎·尼克松-琼斯教授Latisha Nixon-Jones

B.S.M. 杜兰大学管理与金融专业电话麻木

电话号码  办公电话:(904)256-8857
电子邮件地址  电子邮件: lnixonj@crepedcrusader.com


拉蒂莎·尼克松-琼斯教授 is a noteworthy emerging scholar in the burgeoning field 灾害法,主要侧重于备灾和抗灾能力. 她 as the Assistant Clinical Professor of the Disaster Law Clinic at Southern University Law Center (SULC) and teaches courses in torts, disaster law, and legal research and 写作.

Professor Nixon-Jones' scholarly contributions have earned her a well-deserved reputation as an expert in the field, and in 2020, she was awarded the prestigious COVID-19 Research 俄勒冈大学的创新奖. 她的研究也探讨了这一交叉点 of administrative and insurance law as they pertain to disasters and community resilience, with a focus on addressing the challenges faced by communities in accessing adequate insurance coverage and navigating the complexities of administrative systems in the 灾难过后.

Professor Nixon-Jones is licensed to practice law in Louisiana and, in addition to her role at SULC, taught at Mercer University 法学院 and the University of 俄勒冈州.



电话号码  办公电话:(904)256-7928
电子邮件地址  电子邮件: mreiber@crepedcrusader.com


Reiber教授在Swaine Cravath担任助理时开始了他的法律生涯 & 摩尔 where his practice emphasized securities, mergers and acquisitions, and commercial 诉讼. 随后,他成为Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell律师事务所的合伙人 强调商业和专业过失诉讼. 赖伯教授也是 罗纳德。B. 雷顿,西部美国地方法院 华盛顿特区. Reiber教授教过各种大一和高年级课程 西雅图大学法学院和佛罗里达海岸法学院的法律课程. He also has lectured on federal and state civil procedure for BarBri and served on the Washington State Bar Association’s Committee on Bar Examiners and Committee on 民事规则. 




电话号码  办公电话:(904)256-8866
电子邮件地址  电子邮件: nrichar8@crepedcrusader.com


内森·理查森是未来资源的大学研究员. 他长大了 在杰克逊维尔,他就读于斯坦顿大学预科.  在加入杰克逊维尔之前 University, Professor Richardson was a 法学教授 at the University of South 卡罗莱纳. 他是监管环境法,特别是气候变化方面的专家 空气污染,制度,监管设计和行政法. 他的研究考察了正在进行的向绿色能源、碳定价、 以及法律、监管机构和政策设计之间的关系. 其他 interests include law and economics, European environmental and energy policy, and 气候变化对东南地区的影响. 他的研究被《全球赌博十大网站》杂志引用 Supreme Court and has been published in the Virginia Law Review Online, Vanderbilt Law Review, Administrative Law Review, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, Stanford Journal of Environmental Law, Michigan Journal of Environmental and Administrative 法律,哥伦比亚环境法杂志,还有很多其他的.

科琳斯金纳科琳米. 斯金纳


电话号码  办公电话:(904)256-8862
电子邮件地址  电子邮件: cskinne4@crepedcrusader.com


科琳·斯金纳自2008年以来一直是法律图书管理员. 在这个角色中,她提供了 research support in many areas, including immigration and externship clinics, foreign and international law, and being an embedded Librarian for administration and faculty 研究需求. 她在Westlaw, Lexis Nexis和 教学研究工作坊. Ms. 斯金纳喜欢和学生们分享她的技能 帮助他们成为专家研究人员. 




电话号码  办公电话:(904)256-8861
电子邮件地址  电子邮件: ayelder@crepedcrusader.com


Professor 亚历山德拉Yelderman researches online platforms, black markets, technology 道德,与犯罪相关的演讲. 她的工作是探讨中介责任如何影响 illicit commerce on the internet, with a recent focus on regulations that lead to 增加了犯罪. 她之前写过关于互联网在打击中的作用 性交易和其他形式的剥削.

Professor Yelderman was Senior 工作人员 Attorney and continues to serve as Special Counsel 在华盛顿特区的人口贩卖法律中心工作. 她之前教过 巴黎圣母院法学院,卢塞恩大学,圣. 托马斯大学学校 人口贩运法律学院的教授. 




电话号码  办公电话:(904)256-8861
电子邮件地址  电子邮件: vzborea@crepedcrusader.com


Professor Zboreak teaches and researches subjects related to Administrative Law, Constitutional 法律、环境法和救济. 她的研究重点是行政程序, particularly the public comment process and agency interactions with scientific and 其他技术专长,以及与行政有关的宪法问题 决策. 她还对法律教育学和法律传播感兴趣 是一位经验丰富的法律写作和研究教师. 兹伯瑞克教授是 previously an 法律助理教授 at Elon University 法学院, an instructor at Vermont 法学院, and a Professor of the Practice at Wake Forest University 法学院. 她是北卡罗来纳州一般法规委员会的委员.




Accreditation is the hallmark of quality and high standards for legal education and 获得律师资格. 杰克逊维尔大学法学院暂时 approved by the American Bar Association (Council of the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and 招生 to the Bar, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738), and, in accordance with ABA rules, will continue to pursue 完整的认证. 获得临时认证的法学院有权 完全被认可的法学院的所有权利. 同样,从ABA的角度来看, graduates of provisionally approved law schools are entitled to the same recognition 这是给予完全认可的法学院毕业生的待遇.
