申诉程序 法学院


杰克逊维尔大学 法学院 (COL) fosters a culture of care, concern, and 支持学生和学生关心的问题. COL努力保持公开的沟通 与学生一起优化学生的成功和学生的体验. 学生们 encouraged to share issues or concerns with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, 和/或其他管理员,当这些问题出现时. 

的 COL encourages students to resolve issues or concerns through informal means. When informal resolution is not achievable or practicable, students may choose to 提交正式投诉. 正式投诉是要求解决问题 problem, conflict, concern, or issue that negatively impacts students and their experience. 的 COL has two formal complaint processes, and both are initiated through specific 电子表格. 


“General” complaints may include, but are not limited to, issues regarding policies, 程序、服务和办公室. COL鼓励解决正式投诉 在相互尊重的气氛中.  任何形式的报复 正式的投诉是不能被容忍的.

Although anonymous formal complaints are permitted, doing so may limit the COL’s ability 调查和回应. 有关性质、范围、评价、 and resolution of formal complaints shall be confidential to the greatest extent possible 只会和那些需要知道的人分享.

Formal complaints that involve gender discrimination and/or sexual misconduct are addressed under 第九条 and are handled separately from the complaint processes described 上面和下面.  要报告第九条相关事件,请联系JU的标题 IX协调员,博士. 克里斯蒂·戈弗,电话904-256-7067或校园安全,电话904-256-7585. You may contact the Student Counseling Center for a confidential reporting option at 904-256-7180.  了解更多关于第九条的信息.

Any student at the COL who wishes to bring a formal complaint to the law school administration when an informal resolution is not achievable or practicable 应该做到以下几点:

A.)透过电子表格“。”以书面方式提交投诉 JU法学院一般投诉表格. 这些表格将被提交给学生事务副院长汤姆·塔格特. If you prefer, you may email your complaint directly to Associate Dean for Academic and 教员事务考特尼巴克利,使用主题:COL投诉提交. 投诉 received in this manner shall be addressed adhering to the same process and timeline 以电子表格收到的投诉. 所有邮件投诉必须包括 表格上要求的信息.

B.) 的 written summary should follow the prompts to describe in detail the behavior, program, process, policy, or other matter that 是投诉的对象吗. 的 summary should also include the desired resolution and the steps already taken in 任何解决投诉的尝试.

C.) Although anonymous complaints are permitted, doing so may limit the COL’s ability 调查和回应投诉.

D.) 的 Associate Dean for Student Affairs or designee will acknowledge the complaint 在收到非匿名投诉后的三个工作日内. 确认 可以通过电子邮件发送.S. 邮件,或通过个人交付,由管理员选择.

E.) Within two weeks of acknowledgement of the complaint, the Associate Dean or designee shall either meet with the complainant or respond to the substance of the complaint 以书面形式. 在本次会议或本书面文件中,该学生将得到一个 substantive response to the complaint or information about what steps are being taken 由法学院处理或进一步调查投诉.

F.) If further investigation is needed, the student shall be provided either a substantive response to the complaint or information about what steps are being to address the 在完成调查后两星期内提出投诉.

G.)学生可就投诉作出的决定提出上诉. 应发出呼吁 以书面形式 to the Dean of the law school while referencing the specific details of 最初的投诉.

H.)院长就上诉所作的任何决定为最终决定. 院长的决定 将以书面形式记录,并通过电子邮件与学生分享.S. 邮件,或 亲自派递.

I.) A record of the complaint and a summary of the process and resolution of the complaint shall be kept by the administration in the COL Dean’s Suite for a period of ten years 自投诉最终解决之日起.


As an institution seeking accreditation by the American Bar Association (ABA), Jacksonville University 法学院 (COL) recognizes and respects the ABA Standards for Approval 法学院的校长. 此外,COL选择按照ABA标准进行操作 自成立以来. 美国律师协会的标准可以在美国律师协会找到 网站.

As outlined in ABA Standard 510, any student at the COL who wishes to bring a formal complaint to the administration of the law school for a significant problem that directly implicates the school’s program of legal education and its compliance with ABA Standards 应该做到以下几点:

A.)透过电子表格“。”以书面方式提交投诉 美国律师协会标准510投诉表格. 表格将由副院长汤姆·塔格特提交. 如果你愿意,你可以发电子邮件 your complaint directly to Associate Dean for Academic and 教师 Affairs Courtney 巴克莱,使用主题:COL ABA 510投诉提交. 收到投诉 in this manner shall be addressed adhering to the same process and timeline for complaints 通过电子表格收到. 所有的投诉邮件都必须包含这些信息 表格上的要求.

B.) 的 written summary should indicate that this is an ABA Standard 510 complaint and describe in detail the behavior, program, policy, process, or other matter that 是投诉的对象吗. 摘要还应说明问题的含义 the law school’s program of legal education and its compliance with a specific, identified 阿坝标准(年代).

C.) 的 writing must provide the name, official law school email address, and a street address of the complaining student, to allow further communication with the complainant.

D.) 的 Vice Dean or designee will acknowledge the complaint within three business 收到书面投诉的天数. 确认可通过电子邮件,美国.S. 邮件,或通过个人交付,由管理员选择.

E.) Within two weeks of acknowledgement of the complaint, the Vice Dean or designee shall either meet with the complainant or respond to the substance of the complaint 以书面形式. 在本次会议或本书面文件中,该学生将得到一个 substantive response to the complaint or information about what steps are being taken 由法学院处理或进一步调查投诉.

F.) If further investigation is needed, the student shall be provided either a substantive response to the complaint or information about what steps are being taken to address 在完成调查后两星期内提出投诉.

G.)学生可就投诉作出的决定提出上诉. 应发出呼吁 以书面形式 to the Dean of the law school while referencing the specific details of 最初的投诉.

H.)院长就上诉所作的任何决定为最终决定. 院长的决定 将以书面形式记录,并通过电子邮件与学生分享.S. 邮件,或 亲自派递.

I.) A copy of the complaint and a summary of the process and resolution of the complaint shall be kept by the administration in the COL Dean’s Suite for a period of ten years 自投诉最终解决之日起.


Consistent with accreditation protocol dictated by the American Bar Association (ABA), the 杰克逊维尔大学 法学院 began the accreditation process in the 2023年春天. 全球网络赌博平台的目标和最高优先事项是获得临时认证 等到全球网络赌博平台第一批学生毕业的时候. 法学院目前还没有 approved by the American Bar Association (Council of the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and 招生 to the Bar, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738) and makes no representation to any applicant that it will receive approval from the Council before the graduation of any matriculating student.
