常见问题 & 基本信息


Certain items purchased by the University have a significant cost and a useful life 一年多了. T在这里fore, these items 是 recorded as assets (capitalized) and depreciated over their estimated useful lives, in accordance with University guidelines.

Furnishings and equipment purchased for a unit cost of $5,000 or more should be capitalized. Equipment or furniture purchased in conjunction with a building renovation, a new program, or new laboratory, but not having a unit cost of $5,000 or more should be 资本化为团购. 请拨打分机与财务总监办公室联系. 7073 if you have any questions or need additional clarification.


All donations (cash, checks, stocks, property, etc.),应转发 交大学教研处办理. 这是为了确保文书工作的正确性 is completed for our donors and for tax purposes as well as proper stewardship of 的资产. All expenses coded to a gift account must be approved by a University Advancement representative prior to being processed in our financial system.

All gifts in kind must go through the Gift Acceptance Committee before they can be 大学收到的. When made aw是 of a possible gift in kind, please contact University Advancement to process the gift through the Committee for acceptance.


应付账款 processes checks every other Wednesday afternoon. 所有请求都是 required to be in our office no later than Monday at 10 a.m. 为了被包括在内 在每周的检查运行中. For emergency/rush requests, please contact us at ext 7073. 应付账款 requires original invoices for payment. 他们不从报表中付款, 合同协议或工作订单.

费用补偿 & 进步(学生)

Payments for 费用补偿 and 进步 是 processed on Wednesday. 所有费用 报告 是 required to be in our office no later than Monday at 10 a.m. 为了 包括在每周的检查中. 适当的表格可在 控制器的网站. 费用报销表 should include receipts for all 支出. 收据必须显示付款已付 been made (travel confirmations 是 not acceptable unless it shows payment has been 了). 里程数应记录在案 用Mapquest或谷歌地图打印输出. 请附上每件物品的收据 费用报销单上的项目. 所有餐厅都需要详细的收据 指控. 

费用补偿 & 进步 

Payments for 费用补偿 and 进步 是 processed on Wednesday. 所有费用 报告 是 required to be in our office no later than Monday at 10 a.m. 为了 包括在每周的检查中. 杰克逊维尔大学已经实现了Chrome River as the method for submitting expense reports.  费用报销表 是否应包括所有支出的收据. 收据必须显示付款已付 been made (travel confirmations 是 not acceptable unless it shows payment has been 了). 里程数应记录在案 through the Chrome River mapping option.  请 include receipts for every 费用报销单上的项目. 详细的收据 是否需要支付所有餐厅的费用. 填写表格的说明如下 在这里  进步 must be sumitted on and Advance Request Form (manually), they do not get 铬河加工.  有关Chrome River的更多帮助, please contact 奇普·莫里斯@Cmorris5@crepedcrusader.com



Petty cash and deposit slips need to include a full GL帐号 number. GL帐号 numbers should include the NAC (2 digits), Location (always 00), Unit (5 digits), and Object (5 digits) to look like XX-00-XXXXX-XXXXX. 零用现金报销 专供授权员工使用(非学生).


杰克逊维尔大学 has implemented Chrome River as the method for submitting P-Cards语句.  The instructions for submitting P-Cards through Chrome River 是 在这里.  All original receipts need to be attached to the statement and allocated to the 正确总账. P-cards reportd completed through Chrome River must be submitted 每月27号之前. 请 be sure to read your P-Card agreement in regards to unallowable purchases (gift cards should never be purchased with a P-Card). If making a reimbursement for personal 指控 on your p-card statement, please make 一定会把钱交给戴安·利克. 有关Chrome River的更多帮助, 联系奇普·莫里斯@ CMorris5@crepedcrusader.com.  For Assistance with ordering new P-cards or changing the credit limit of the P-Card, 联系格拉迪斯·加布里埃尔@ ggabrie@crepedcrusader.com


联系 Catering Services to obtain a quote for the event. 将报价附在购买上 requisition (blue sheet) and send via email to the Purchasing Department. 采购 Department will verify the account number, availability of funds and issue a purchase order 为了 to encumber the funds and send a Purchase Order to Catering Services.

a) If changes 是 made to the event, request an updated quote and send it to Purchasing. Purchasing will modify the original Purchase Order.

b) If the event is cancelled, contact Purchasing to cancel the purchase order so the 资金可以不受支配.

At the end of the event Catering Services will send the invoice to Purchasing for 处理及付款.


Approved and timely submission of time cards for employees and students is vital for 支付劳务的工资. 一天的工作时间是7小时45分钟 整整一周是38小时45分钟. 午餐时间为1小时,15分钟付费和午餐 对工作一整天的员工有什么要求. 员工工时表可于 the Employee 形式 section of the 控制器’s page and should be submitted to payroll@crepedcrusader.com 批准主管. 工作人员 timecards 是 due from the supervisor every Monday 10分钟.m. 前一周的工作. 行政休假报告应由主管提交 前一个月的10号付清. 休假时间只能作为一种 半天或一整天. Sick time cannot be taken in increments of less than 15 minutes.  For additional answers to frequently asked questions click 在这里.


The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and FAS 117 requires not-for-profit organizations to report expenses according to functional activities. 可能的 consequences of such omissions could include funding reductions from donors or negative publicity in the event these reporting failures come to light. 准确的记录 expenses helps our organization comply with accounting and tax regulations. 费用 must be allocated to the 是a receiving the service or goods. 如果另一个领域是资金 the expense, please contact the Budget office to have a budget re-allocation completed.







周一至周五,上午8:30.m. – 5:00 p.m.
