Accounts Payable

All University purchases over $50.00 must go through the Purchasing Process. Please 参考采购手册对已批准的采购程序进行评审.

主计长办公室已确定将进行定期检查运行 weekly on Thursdays with a Friday distribution:

  • 为了做到这一点,所有的发票,支票请求和费用报告必须 be submitted to the Controller’s Office by Monday at 10:00 a.m.
  • 虽然在此截止日期之后可能会收到请求 支票发出后,只有当请求被银行收到时,支票才能得到保证 10:00 a.m. deadline.
  • 这将为适当的批准和进入应付账款系统留出时间. 在极少数情况下,财务总监可以批准在外部签发支票 of the normal check run.
  • These requests should be limited to emergency situations.


检查收到的费用报告和差旅预支(有适当的批准) 10:00 a.m. 周二的邮件可以在下周五领取.


Check Requests

检查请求必须经过部门的签字批准程序 by each department head.

  1. 支票请求只能用于那些没有发票的付款。 such as conference registrations. a one-time payment for service, travel advance, or Honorarium payments.
  2. 如果发票是备份文件,则不需要检查请求表单. The 发票可以简单地盖章,所有批准直接记录在发票上.
  3. Check Requests 没有发票必须有证明文件显示收款人和金额.
  4. 目前不在全球网络赌博平台系统中的供应商的检查请求必须附有完整的W-9. W-9’s are available here.
  5. Accounts Payable will never pay from a statement or a quote; original invoices are required.

Wire Transfers

电汇请求必须具有与任何其他请求相同的批准和文件 Accounts Payable request. They must have proper approval signatures (as determined 由各部门主管负责),以及适当的帐户编码和支持文件. The Wire Transfer Request form is available here.

  1. 如果发票是备份文档,则仍然需要电汇请求表单 with proper approvals and coding.
  2. 没有发票的电汇请求必须有证明文件显示 payee and the amount.
  3. 电汇请求的供应商目前不在全球网络赌博平台的系统必须有一个完整的 W-9 attached. W-9's are available here.
  4. Accounts Payable will never pay from a Statement or a quote; original invoices are required.
  5. 主计长办公室将不接受通过电子邮件的电汇请求.

Travel Advances

可以提交旅行预支申请单以预支旅行费用 未使用公司信用卡或采购订单付款.

  1. 此类请求应至少在旅行日期前两周提出 to ensure the timely issuance of the check.
  2. 所有预支的支票将作为应收账款(A/R)到期入帐 直到一份正确记录和批准的差旅费用报告 submitted to Accounts Payable.
  3. 请附上所有原始收据,以确保适当记入您的未偿余额 以及一份完整的差旅费用报告和所有其他证明文件.
  4. 剩余现金请凭存款单到出纳窗口寄存 and must reference the original cash advance. A copy of the deposit/receipt should be attached to the Travel Expense report.
  5. Travel Advance Requests instructions are available here.

Expense Reports

费用报告用于差旅、培训和任何非差旅费用 incurred in the course of university business. Requests must go through the department Signature Approval process. Reimbursements for expenses will be made in accordance with the University’s Travel Policy. Below are some excerpts from that policy:

  1. 附有购货明细的收据正本(不包括食肆的收据摘要) acceptable) must be attached. In the rare occasion that a receipt should be lost, 必须附上一份备忘录,确认这张丢失的收据,并解释 the expense. 然而,这应该是一个罕见的例外和任何报销没有 收据将作为应税收入列入W-2表格. (see: University’s Travel Policy)
  2. U.S. State Department per diem rates 在没有收据的情况下,可以用于国外旅行吗.
  3. 与出差或培训无关的工作相关费用,如酒店房费 对于游客,娱乐,手机和里程,也可以报销 submitting an expense report.
  4. MapQuest里程总数可用于里程报销和单元证明 phone charges must be attached to reimbursement requests.
  5. 请注意,里程费率会根据GSA定期更新 website rates. 为了避免混淆,全球网络赌博平台要求填写旅行费用报销表 在你每次提交这些表格时,都可以从财务总监办公室的网站上获得 requests.
  6. The expense report form for students can be found here.
  7. The expense report for staff and faculty can be found here.
  8. Chrome River的本地用户手册可以在这里找到.

AP Due Date Calculations

The normal vendor will be on 30 day payment terms. The 30 days is calculated from the Invoice Date. 如果发票超过30天,系统就会付款 the next check run. 如果一个供应商设置为30天,你需要支付发票 请尽快在支票请求/发票上注明您的需求,以便全球网络赌博平台提供服务 you.

Due dates may be seen on invoices through WebAdvisor. If you drill into the document, 您将能够看到有问题的发票条目.

付款从支票运行之日起13天内进行. That means if an invoice 已经提交,截止日期是2月15日,发票将在2月支付 2. 如果发票的到期日是2月16日,全球网络赌博平台会在2月付款 9.

所有的订单都在文件上打印了这一规定,这样供应商就会确切地知道 when to expect payment. 当然也有例外,如果你需要,请与美联社联系 need information on any particular vendor.

Tax Status

Jacksonville University is a tax-exempt organization. Advance planning of purchases will eliminate rejection of sales tax reimbursement. Sales tax will not be reimbursed. Tax-exempt certificates are available here.

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Office location

Howard Administration Building
2800 University Blvd N
Jacksonville, FL 32211

Office hours

Mon – Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.