国际 Studies 拉丁美洲


JU 国际 Studies 拉丁美洲 Fall 2015

Course Description

What is 拉丁美洲? This class is designed to help students answer 问题 like 这 by surveying the history, politics, and culture of that cultural region that we traditionally call 拉丁美洲.

(Taught in English)

Course Objectives​

After completing 这 course, students should be able to:

  • List basic geographical facts and their effects on the population of 拉丁美洲
  • Explain the basic nature of written and oral communication in the region
  • Give a correct account of the general history of the region and its influence on modern 事件
  • List the names and accomplishments of dominant political leaders, the viewpoints of varied parties, and the 问题s involved in socio-political decision making
  • Explain the philosophical/religious perspectives inherited from the past and the frameworks they provide for contemporary human activity
  • Recognize typical works of art, architecture, and music; and explain the links between these works and the ruling ideas of 拉丁美洲n society
  • Read and view seminal texts by contemporary authors and film makers and explain their historical background
  • Find and analyze news from 拉丁美洲 found on the World Wide Web.


  • An active JU logon, password, and email address is necessary.
  • If you use another email address as your primary account, it is your responsibility to have email sent to your JU address forwarded to your other address.
  • 联系 the IT 帮助 Desk at 256-7200 or helpdesk@crepedcrusader.com if you don't know how to do 这.
  • Any emails that I send to the class as a whole will be sent via Blackboard to your JU电子邮件地址.


Grading Standards

Your final grade in 这 course will be based on the following. Your midterm grade will be based on the course assignments done up to the date of the Midterm Examination.

  • 参与: 问题 & class contributions, 15%

  • 论坛: 黑板上, 20%

    Every week every student will post a short but elaborated writing about the topic we will be discussing that week. It is expected that every student will post at least four times a week (one is going to be her/his main writing/view on the topic and the other three may be responses to other student's postings)

    In 这 place, students will check and add data and information about the topics discussed in Discussion board/Forum. Please, include as many sources as possible (nonpartisan think tanks and university researches preferred; although sometime you can read Wikipedia, never use it as a fact source; Wikipedia doesn't trust itself)

  • 新闻: 黑板上, 10%

    Every week every student will select at least two news about any current 拉丁美洲 问题. Please, paste the link on "新闻" section and add a two-line summary about the 问题/条.

  • Presentations: 10%

    Every student will present (around 10 min long) a topic during the semester or submit one 5-7min video on the topic discussed that week.​

    Please, sign up for a day during the first week of classes or e-mail me to jmajfud@crepedcrusader.com with your preferred date (you don't need to pick a topic in advance).

  • Mid-term Exam: 20%

    You will have to complete an in class exam based on the selected chapters from Fuentes's 书. Of course, as Saint Thomas Aquinas,​ I also fear the man of a single 书, and I recommend to study other sou​rces as well. However, just in order to make the exam guideline simple and clear, yo​u will be required to study just that 书 in order to complete your exam.​

  • Final paper (or video project): 15%

  • 期末考试:10%






Jacksonville University
2800 University Blvd N
Jacksonville, FL 32211


Mon – Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.