

The mission of the 政策事务杂志 is to foster reasoned and respectful discourse on an array of contemporary public policy issues through the dissemination of scholarly 分析.

The Journal is published annually by the 杰克逊维尔大学 公共政策研究所 and presents capstone projects produced by students enrolled in its Master in Public 政策(MPP)学位课程. It is designed to serve the needs of students, faculty, researchers, and practitioners, and community members in criminal justice, education,business, 以及相关学科.

Click here to view the 2019 政策事务杂志



安娜•麦克丹尼尔安娜McDaniel-Wyatt is a public education researcher and advocate, with a passion to elevate the voices and experiences of the most vulnerable students. 她以前是 high school English Language Arts teacher and Teach For America (TFA) Alumna who currently 担任TFA的队列社区经理. 安娜获得了公共政策硕士学位 from 杰克逊维尔大学, and her Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from 南佛罗里达大学(USF). 安娜为TFA服务
Jacksonville as an Alumna and Co-Founder of JaxPrism. 她还在科索沃服役 校友 Society as a Past President and Member for more than 10 years. 安娜进入了决赛 for the 2019 杰克逊维尔大学 研究生 Student Woman of the Year Award. 区域 of Policy Interest: Civil Rights, Education, 家庭, Government Operations, Public 财政及社会福利


老师 effectiveness is directly connected to the academic growth of students; previous research suggests that effectiveness increases as teachers gain experience. 老师 retention is a measure of the number of teachers who continue their employment in their current school district in a given school year. 留住教师很重要 not only because of the money invested in training these professionals, but also because 它对学生学业成绩的影响. 这项研究考察了历史上 retention data in Duval County Public 学校 (DCPS) in order to answer the following research question: Do school-level factors influence teacher turnover? 研究结果 suggest that school-level factors do effect turnover rates. 为了应对这些挑战, 研究人员提出了5项政策
recommendations: implementing 佛罗里达 model school legislation, amending 佛罗里达 principal leadership standards, adjusting DCPS hiring practices, implementing a critical teacher 短缺学生贷款减免计划,以及
developing and implementing predictive risk modeling.

The author of this publication was employed as a teacher within Duval County Public 学校 from 2015-2017 and is an employee of Teach For America. 没有财政支持 for this research was received from Duval County Public 学校 or Teach For America.


凯拉·莱利 is a Civics Instructor at Northwestern Middle School in Jacksonville, 佛罗里达. Kayla received her 公共政策硕士 and her Bachelor of Arts in Social 杰克逊维尔大学理科专业. 她还辅修了哲学 她的本科学习. During her time in the MPP Program, Kayla interned with Congressman Al Lawson’s Fifth Congressional District Office. 凯拉也服过兵役 丹尼尔·基兹每周做一次志愿者.
区域 of Policy Interest: Civil Rights, Criminal 正义, Education, and Public 安全


Children Incarcerated: Exploring Diversion as a 健康y Alternative to Formal Processing

The annual cost of incarceration-related recidivism in the U.S. 超过70亿 (司法政策研究所,2014). 大约有20万青少年被释放 a residential facility every year and more than half will be back within the same 年(Youth, 2018年访问). This paper conducted a comparative 分析 of juvenile diversion programs and commitment across social factors, program effectiveness [recidivism], and cost to prove that public safety and lower recidivism for juvenile offenders can best be reached through diversion programming for nonviolent felony offenses, instead 关于承诺倾向. Research was conducted using peer-reviewed journals for socioeconomic and public safety data and a cost comparison was made using government websites for data across the state of 佛罗里达, including the State Attorney’s Office, the Office of Juvenile 正义 and Delinquency Prevention, and the Department of Juvenile 正义. In the 2016-17 fiscal year, 佛罗里达 commitment had an average recidivism 比率为35.6%,而分流只有11% (OJJDP, 2018)。. 承诺的成本 在佛罗里达州,每个孩子每天的花费是151美元.80美元,但只有9美元.33分备降. Annually this is $55,407 per child per year for commitment and $3,405.平均45分 为佛罗里达州的分流项目做准备. 这显示了焦点的转移 from punishment to the individual needs of the juvenile by expanding diversion programming to support non-violent felonies including felony vandalism, felony drug, auto-theft, and burglary charges is in the best interest of everyone, while ensuring children don’t have criminal records before even reaching adulthood.


DISCLAIMER: These research projects were submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of 公共政策硕士 at 杰克逊维尔大学 and reflect the 作者观点. It should not be viewed as representing the views of the projects’ external clients, nor those of 杰克逊维尔大学, or any of its faculty.