Faculty Annual Activities Evaluation

Faculty Annual Activities and Assessment Reports,反映专业发展,每年记录,是重要的决定因素 in tenure and promotion decisions. 此表格应在5月15日前交给教职员的单位管理员,并交给院长 不迟于6月1日至教务处,不迟于7月1日至教务处,并应 涵盖教学、奖学金和专业发展方面的成就; 并于每年5月1日至4月30日期间为大学服务.

The Annual Faculty Evaluation Form,由主席/单位管理员完成,考虑到反馈 from the Annual Faculty Activities and Assessment report. This form is due to each Dean by July 31 and to the Provost no later than October 1.

每年对教员进行评估,向教员提供反馈以促进 their professional development; and to evaluate faculty members for merit pay increases, promotion to the next academic rank, and the granting of tenure.

Faculty are evaluated yearly by their chair/unit administrator. The evaluation is 在三个方面:教学效果、奖学金和专业发展, and university service. Information for this evaluation comes from yearly faculty 活动报告和教师可以选择提供的其他信息来源. 每个区域的评级被组合起来,以提供一个总评级. The ratings are used in making merit, tenure, and promotion decisions.

在主席/单元管理员到达评估后,与之讨论 教师,他可能会对部分或全部的评估提出书面异议 this to the college dean. The college dean reviews the evaluation (and attached comments (由教员提出),并且同意主席/单位管理员的评估 or changes the evaluation. If the evaluation is changed, the college dean must notify 立即通知主席/单位管理员和教员,并说明变更的原因. 学院院长的评估将被发送给教务长,教务长可以批准或更改 evaluation. 如果评估发生变化,教务长必须通知学院院长, 主席/单位管理员和教员,并提供变更的原因.

教师应该保留他们的年度教师活动报告和他们的年度 evaluations. 这一信息将成为他们终身职位组合的核心部分 and promotion as well as post-tenure review.


Teaching Effectiveness

教学效果是通过回顾教师的基本事实来评估的 教学生涯、所教课程、课程研究、课程策划与修订. The IDEA学生教学评分,衡量学生对教师教学的看法 is administered in the classes of all faculty . Chairs/unit administrator's are expected 审慎地使用该量表所提供的信息,并考虑到等级 规模,课程是必修课还是选修课,以及学生是否 majors or non-majors. Particular attention is paid to broadly stated questions (i.e. overall teaching effectiveness). Simple ranking of faculty according to their scores 是避免的,并且,除非教师的分数偏离了一个标准偏差大于或 低于全体教员的平均水平,个别项目不用于指定 a professor's performance as inferior or superior. In lieu of scores significantly 评分高于或低于大学平均水平,只看表面价值.

Professional Development

虽然教师的主要职责是教学,但大学的教学工作却很重要 期望教师在获得学位后继续发展专业 the terminal degree. Information recorded on the Faculty Activities Report is used to evaluate a faculty member's professional development. Activities which contribute 在该领域获得正面评价的包括研究和学术项目、应用 用于颁发补助金,准备出版作品,展示作品 at professional conferences, and publication of professional work. In addition, participation 在专业组织中,在该组织中担任职务并出席 可以期望在专业会议上加强专业领域的评价 development. 鼓励教师回顾他们的专业活动 每学年开始时主动与所在部门的系主任决定 如果他们成功地完成了他们的计划,他们可以期望得到的评价 activities. 如果教师对临时评估不满意, 他/她可以要求主席/单位管理员提供额外的描述 能将评分提高到可接受水平的活动或成就.

University Service

除了教学之外,学校还希望教师担任顾问 学生们,保持正常的办公时间,服务于委员会,参加预定的会议, functions, and graduation ceremonies. Chairs/unit administrator evaluate the faculty 会员的大学服务活动总结在每年的教师活动 Report. 教师评估时考虑的活动包括:服务 担任系/校主席,担任委员会主席,建设校园 program; active involvement in the form of sponsorship of student organizations; research and independent study projects and internships; serving as a director of a campus program or an advisor to a large number of students; participating in activities with students (specified); serving on committees; and participating in admissions functions, campus programs, or telethons.

就像在专业发展领域一样,教师可以要求进行临时评估 (在实际会议之前),并征求主席/单位的建议 administrator or dean about how to improve the evaluation.