


谢尔比奥尔谢尔比奥尔 is originally from Mobile, Alabama. She received her Bachelor of Science 在南方大学攻读运动机能学,重点是运动疗法 密西西比州. Shelby chose JU’s OTD program because of its facilities, especially the NORTH Center, home to JU’s OTD program. Shelby has working experience within hippotherapy 儿童自闭症. Additionally, she has written a thesis on ‘the effects of including 在课堂上与有语言障碍的学生进行体育锻炼. 毕业后 获得行医执照后,谢尔比希望开始自己的hippotherapy实践.


阿什利北奥阿什利·比尔(阿什利北奥)在北方大学获得心理学学士学位 Florida, concentrating in Child Psychology. She chose JU because of its location in 佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的小班教学,以及社区参与的机会 和协作. Ashley currently works at North Florida School of Special Education 作为一名教师,并将OT领域视为帮助个人实现目标的机会 独立. 毕业后,她认为自己将在特殊需求社区工作 in a 儿科设置 or with those transitioning to adulthood.


埃莉诺特。埃莉诺·科比特毕业于工商管理学士学位 美国西雅图大学. She chose JU because of its reputation, as it frequently lists at the top of the regional best schools. Eleanor has seen the difference an OT can 通过在环境中与老年人口一起工作,使他人的生活更加美好 which include day health, assisted living, and sheltered workshops. 毕业后, 埃莉诺希望继续为老年人和/或退伍军人工作, due to her prior experience within the United States Air Force.


克莱尔象牙海岸克莱尔·科特(克莱尔象牙海岸)来自爱荷华州的罗宾斯(Robins),并获得了学士学位 人类发展 & Family Studies from Colorado State University. 克莱尔选择了JU because of the OTD program’s leadership and research emphasis. 她说,“JU的课程 allows you to focus on the discipline of OT you most desire.克莱尔有经验 作为一名注册行为技术人员,毕业后渴望工作 in a pediatric OT clinic, ultimately opening her own practice.


艾米丽Flispart艾米丽Flispart joins us from Jeffersonville, Indiana. 她毕业于贝尔蒙特大学 大学运动科学学士学位,辅修心理学. 艾米丽 选择了职业治疗这一领域,观察个体在成长过程中变得更强 learn to go about their activities of daily living. 艾米丽 is very involved in the 国家唐氏综合症协会的一员,同时也是"最好的朋友"的倡导者 “孤独症代言人”. She is also a member of Changing 健康, Attitudes + Actions to Recreate Girls (CHAARG) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). 艾米丽目前 目前是一名ACSM认证私人教练,并期待成为一名OT 在不久的将来.


珍妮Herrera珍妮Herrera毕业于北佛罗里达大学,获得理学学士学位 degree in Psychology, concentrating in Child Psychology. 她选择了JU进行合作 和那些知识渊博的教员一起,他们正在发展最新的 艺术设施. Janine is from Jacksonville, FL and has experience working at Brain Balance, as well as, in a retail setting. In her spare time, she has volunteered with the Special Olympics and hospitals in the area, including UF 健康. 毕业后, Janine wishes to join the service, working as an OT for the U.S. 海军.


米凯拉山米凯拉山来自佛罗里达州的弗劳尔城,完成了她的本科学业 in Kinesiology from 杰克逊维尔大学. Her undergraduate educational experience 在JU,友善的老师和小班授课支持了她的决定 enroll for a professional doctorate within occupational therapy at JU. 米凯拉已经 我总是对帮助受伤的人恢复生活的能力很感兴趣. 目前,她在杰克逊维尔骨科研究所从事康复工作和志愿者工作 技术员. 在业余时间,米凯拉还在布鲁克斯康复中心做志愿者 pediatric brain injury patients and adaptive rowing.


布里奇特琼斯布里奇特·琼斯来自佛罗里达州奥兰治港,并获得了理学学士学位 in Pre-Clinical 健康 Sciences from the University of Central Florida. 布丽姬特选择了 JU拥有优秀的师资队伍和专业内的课程设计. 她带来了 丰富的经验,在专业花样滑冰,担任教练和 编排. Additionally, Bridget was very involved in health awareness/advocacy 本科期间,她还参加了国际医学推广协会 研究. 毕业后,她 will pursue working with U.S. 退伍军人事务; specializing in hand therapy and TBI.


艾丽卡里昂艾丽卡里昂 is from Brunswick Georgia. She received her Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology degree from Georgia Southern University in Exercise Science. 艾瑞卡选择JU是因为 在布鲁克斯康复学院建立的独特的临床合作伙伴关系 保健科学. Prior to joining the OTD program, Erica worked at a senior living facility serving as a 健康y Lifestyles Director. 她也花了时间 在仁人家园、生命接力等组织做志愿者 The Longest Day, which brings awareness to Alzheimer’s disease. 毕业后,艾瑞卡 想专攻手部治疗,并与老年人群合作.


蒂芙尼阮蒂凡尼从德克萨斯州休斯顿加入JU,获得德克萨斯a学士学位&米大学 (TAMU) in Kinesiology, specializing in Motor Behavior. Tiffany选择JU是因为它 小班授课. “I am coming from one of the largest institutions in the state of 德州. The small and intimate classroom setting is very refreshing.蒂芙尼充满激情 about teaching a holistic view of the body. She believes that an OT can help others 超越表面的层次,并提供一个路径,以贡献她的激情,在两个头脑 & body. 蒂芙尼是一名认证瑜伽教练,在TAMU工作期间,她帮了很多忙 grow the specialty yoga program serving the student body. 毕业后,蒂芙尼 希望在为儿科人群服务的临床环境中获得经验, while pursuing hand therapy certification. Long term, she wishes to open her own clinic 做理疗和瑜伽治疗.


希拉•诺里斯希拉·诺里斯毕业于北佛罗里达大学,获得理学学士学位 营养与营养学. Sheila chose JU’s program due to its location, reputation 以及他们的OTD项目愿景. She is a co-founder and board director of an international 并希望利用她在程序开发方面的经验, 解决问题并激励他人帮助她未来的客户实现他们的目标. 在她的业余时间,希拉志愿成为一名园艺大师,教育公众 residential landscapes and gardening practices. 毕业后, Sheila plans to stay 在第一海岸地区,希望探索创伤性脑损伤和神经系统疾病领域, as well as program development.


布鲁克页面布鲁克页面持有the University of the University的运动科学学士学位 她选择了OT领域,因为它有无限的职业机会 to help others restore their confidence in everyday living activities. 布鲁克目前 在布鲁克斯康复中心(Brooks Rehabilitation)的住院治疗机构工作,担任治疗技术员. Brooke enjoys travelling and experiencing different cultures. 毕业后,她 desires to become a traveling OT specializing in 儿科人群.


玛塞拉价格玛塞拉价格 is originally from Bossier City, Louisiana. 她获得了学士学位。 在迪拉德大学获得公共卫生理学学位,辅修心理学. Marcella选择了JU的OTD项目,因为这个项目的价值观和愿景 很高兴成为一个以家庭为导向的环境的一部分,以及加入 a faculty with very diverse backgrounds. In the past, she has helped with community development by participating in clothing and food drives. 玛塞拉打算利用 她在整个治疗过程中保持乐观,通过她的口号SMILE(加强, 激励,鼓舞,领导,教育)帮助他人获得康复的信心 完成日常活动.


妮可ReiterNicole joins the OT program from House Springs, Missouri. 她毕业于麦肯德里大学 University with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Nicole chose JU because of its curriculum to receive her doctorate degree and licensure within 3 years; their reputation 在社区内,它将提供无限的可能性,因为他们 设施和师资. During her spare time, she volunteers at a therapeutic equestrian 骑中心. 毕业后, Nicole wishes to work in the hospital setting serving 儿科人群.


布鲁克·惠特利布鲁克·惠特利来自弗吉尼亚州考特兰,获得了学士学位 degree from North Carolina State University majoring in Psychology. 布鲁克选择了 在亲身发现了一名职业治疗师是如何帮助她祖父的之后,她开始了职业治疗领域的研究 after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. During her undergraduate 研究, 布鲁克积极参与自闭症项目,同时也是一名治疗马术运动员 骑中心. 毕业后,她 plans to practice occupational therapy in the 儿科设置.