Excellence and InnovationDoctor of Occupational Therapy


Why Choose Our Program?

职业治疗提供了各种各样的机会和经验. 职业治疗师在不同的环境中与人合作, both in the clinic and beyond. Through the use of meaningful activities, occupational 治疗师帮助个人最大限度地参与他们的日常生活 of their abilities. 

  • Jacksonville 大学: 这所大学已经连续12年入选美国最佳大学榜单.
  • Experienced 教师: 教师拥有广泛的临床和研究背景,并致力于 to engaging students in professional activities.
  • 该计划的学费包括动手实地工作机会和各种学习 供应.
  • No GRE is required for admission into the OTD program.
  • Valuable partnerships: 作为布鲁克斯康复医疗科学学院OTD项目的一部分 是与最大的区域康复医院相关联,以及维持 strong relationships with local healthcare providers.
  • 地点: 最先进的设施和房子坐落在美丽的绿树成荫的校园里 在街上. John’s River in Jacksonville, Florida. A short drive takes you to a number of beaches and major Florida attractions.
    学费 and Fees

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谈谈你的学术目标,了解更多关于杰克逊维尔职业治疗的知识 大学. 


Doctor of Occupational TherapyPrepare For Your Future

职业治疗提供了各种各样的机会和经验. 职业治疗师在不同的环境中与人合作, both in the clinic and beyond. Through the use of meaningful activities, occupational 治疗师帮助个人最大限度地参与他们的日常生活 of their abilities.

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Doctor of Occupational Therapy

...To the dexterity that it takes.. 噢,是的.. and like cognitive..


Elizabeth Murphy

Doctor of Occupational Therapy Student

Jacksonville 大学

“残疾人可能会遇到各种各样的障碍. 作为未来 职业治疗师,我想确保残疾人士也有同样的待遇 opportunities that I do.”



Doctor of Occupational Therapy Student

Jacksonville 大学

“我认为职业治疗是一个可以帮助人们做任何事情的领域,他们 need or want to do; and those things may have been limited by injury illness or disability and we overcome that. We don't see the person as being ill or disabled, we see them 因为全球网络赌博平台遇到了一些挑战,全球网络赌博平台帮助他们克服,全球网络赌博平台确保 that we overcome those challenges are centered on that person.”


[background voices]

Find a little strength in that…

Dr. 墨菲:

“很多人都经历过中风,或者可能是脊髓损伤,或者可能只是骨折 他们的手. 全球网络赌博平台作为人类所做的很多事情以及全球网络赌博平台如何与环境互动 comes from our hands. 会发生什么 if they no longer have that ability? 会发生什么 如果他们不会刷牙,不会梳头,不会穿袜子和鞋子? 这将使他们无法进入社区并参与活动 that they would otherwise.”


Testimonial by Bob Kuhn

Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Patient

“I'm Bob Kuhn from Ocala Florida. Back on June 6, 2018, I went to sleep happy and healthy and woke up a few hours later paralyzed. It was sudden onset Guillain-Barre syndrome or GBS. The only body part I could move was my right eyelid. 有了GBS 手通常是最后恢复的,对我来说当然是这样. I've been working to strengthen my hands my arms and my shoulders; we've also been 从事日常生活活动,如穿衣打扮和吃饭. So, 我一直在努力争取更多的独立,找回我的生活.”


Megan Bewernitz

Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy

Jacksonville 大学

“当全球网络赌博平台对待他人,与他人合作时,全球网络赌博平台希望他们能够成功 their own homes. And a big drop for students is where we're sitting right now the [Nelson] Occupational Therapy House. It's a living laboratory, provides our students 有机会发挥创造力,并在现实世界中进行实践. 我最喜欢的课程之一是在厨房教适应性烹饪和教育 学生们谈到了全球网络赌博平台可以在职业治疗中使用的许多适应性 教育病人这样他们就能成功地做好自己的准备工作 their own meal planning.”



“I chose JU because I wanted a well-rounded experience; having small class sizes we 可以得到很多一对一的培训很多个人指导,这是一个 big deal for me. The unique equipment we have. So, we have a Dynavision, we have a 职业技术培训,全球网络赌博平台有一个原子表,大多数学校没有这些东西. 所以,被 训练全球网络赌博平台可以在现场看到的东西全球网络赌博平台可以在全球网络赌博平台的研究中使用 make us more prepared in the future was probably one of my top goals. Being as prepared 尽可能在一个非常舒适的环境中了解我的同事和老师 on a personal level and making these lifelong connections.”


Megan Bewernitz

“在JU,全球网络赌博平台有很多机会让全球网络赌博平台的学生成为社区的一部分 了解服务的这一方面对职业治疗师来说是非常重要的. We serve as part of our profession.”

Elizabeth Murphy

“当我第一次帮忙的时候,我是一名职业治疗的大一学生 全球网络赌博平台的Go Baby Go活动这是一个非常棒的活动对于那些有残疾的孩子来说 想要坐在改装过的小车里做同龄人会做的事情 do.  能够为残疾人提供这些机会,无论他们是 adults or their kiddos anywhere in between it makes it worth it!”



The 2024 GRE requirement has been waived!

  • Request official transcripts & 文档
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA). Our school code is 001495
  • 应用 for our program through OTCAS
  • 合格的申请人将被选择参加OT招生委员会的面试

Learn More about our 学生Student Profiles


Class of 2025


Our 认证

入门级职业治疗博士学位课程是由认可的 认证 Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA),地址为马里兰州北贝塞斯达行政大道6116号200套房,邮编20852-4929. ACOTE’s telephone number c/o AOTA is (301) 652-AOTA and its web address is  访问ACOTE

该项目毕业生将有资格参加国家认证考试 由国家认证委员会管理的职业治疗师 in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT).

成功完成考试后,个人将成为职业治疗师, Registered (OTR). In addition, all states require licensure in order to practice; 然而,国家许可证通常是基于NBCOT认证的结果 检查. Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure.

Student Outcomes

毕业 Rates



学生 Entering/


毕业 Rate
2021 15/15 100%
2022 28/26 93%
2023 21/21 100%
总计 64/62 97%



杰克逊维尔大学(Jacksonville 大学)的OTD项目第一批学生于2021年毕业. 学生 成功完成课程的学生将被允许参加NBCOT考试.

项目结果来自国家职业治疗认证委员会 (NBCOT) can be found online.  NBCOT Pass Rates


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