

新生可以在每个学期的秋季或春季学期开始该课程 一年.


Yes, many students are not local to Jacksonville. Classes are held once per month 星期五和星期六. 学生s are encouraged to travel to our beautiful campus 周末与老师和他们的同学面对面交流,但你也可以流媒体 classes synchronously online if you can’t make it to campus. 偶尔的工作 当学生不能亲自或在线参加冲突时,课程会被记录下来,所以你 能赶上. Asynchronous attendance should be an exception, not the norm.

Why the 戴维斯商学院 & 技术?

The JU 戴维斯商学院 & 技术 is the only AACSB accredited private business school in all of North Florida and South Georgia. 这个地区包括 美国东南部最具活力和经济多样性的产业. 主要国际港口,物流运输公司,全球金融 服务公司、消费品和服务组织、信息技术、 世界一流的医疗保健机构在这一领域开展业务,并提供丰富的 opportunities for internships and careers.

杰克逊维尔大学和戴维斯是公认的合作伙伴在所有的增长 这些行业部门和部分社会文化特征的社区. JU Davis在培训多个行业的顶级高管方面有着令人自豪的传统 并植根于校友和企业合作伙伴的庞大网络. 全球网络赌博平台的信誉 是全球网络赌博平台通过高质量、非常相关和引人入胜的课程获得的吗.

How can earning a JU DBA position me for future success?

DBA学位和您的专业经验的结合将为您提供 拥有宝贵的知识和经验,可以担任更高和更大的职位 和责任. This will also open the door for possible teaching at colleges 如果愿意,还有大学.

What are the criteria for work experience?



请参阅 DBA申请流程.


入学不需要硕士学位,但学生可以接受 在没有硕士学位的情况下进入DBA项目必须完成一门课程 程序的.  


The GMAT/GRE is not required for DBA application. 然而,候选人 without 鼓励硕士学位学生参加并提交GMAT/GRE成绩 展示他们的商业头脑,以支持他们的入学申请.

What is the timeline for admission?

​A new cohort begins each fall and/or Spring semester. 这批人的入学将会 be granted on an ongoing basis; that is, we will fully consider your application upon 提交. Thus, you are encouraged to submit the full application packet as early 尽可能.  The admissions process may close once the cohort becomes full.

What are the requirements for international students?

The academic requirements are similar for international students. 然而,国际上 学生必须符合美国移民局和国务院的学生资格 visa and permission to travel to U.S. All international students must meet the University’s current English language requirements.

What kind of financial aid is available?

财政援助办公室将处理所有的申请和查询有关 财政援助申请. For more information, please email finaid@crepedcrusader.com.

Are there any scholarships or assistantships available?

提供学费减免的研究助理奖学金是有限的 一年. These assistantships must be applied for each 一年.  奖学金 也可用.   

What does the program cost and what does that include?

DBA with no concentration is $31,500 per 一年 ($15,750 per semester).  DBA with a concentration is $33,000 per 一年 ($16,500 per semester). JU DBA是3级 一年DBA课程,可选择管理,市场营销, 会计/财务.  Academic and Professional tracks have different benefits, and textbooks are provided for all students.  

Is it possible my employer will help me fund this educational investment?

Yes, we encourage students to obtain employer funding, when available.

What concentrations are available?

您可以攻读普通DBA,也可以专注于会计、管理、医疗保健 Leadership, or customize your own Professional Concentration.  这是可能获得的 enough credits in any business discipline to teach.

Is the DBA flexible to meet my career goals?

JU DBA是专为专业人士工作,以提高他们的职业生涯和专业人士 looking to transition to academia.  学生s can choose between an academic track or professional track depending on your career goals. 

How many credit hours are in the program?

DBA program consists of 63 - 75 credit hours.

How many courses are taken each semester?

前两个秋季学期和春季学期每学期要修三门或三门以上的课程. There will be courses taken in each of the first two summer terms. 第三年 will be spent working on your 论文.


The program is designed to be completed in three 一年s. 然而,完成 论文可以延长课程的长度,但不能超过七年. 论文 extension classes are an additional cost.  


Cohorts will generally be between 10 and 20 students.

Does the DBA require me to study abroad?

不需要国际旅行,但是,学生可能会有机会 to participate in a study abroad course for an additional expense.

How can I best prepare for the program?

你必须确保每周分配几个小时来准备课程 期望的作业. Communicating with professors and your cohort members 是有益和必要的.

What will the classroom experience be like?

Most DBA courses are experiential, applied and case oriented. 进行研究 项目将成为常态.


在头两年,课程将提供每个月一个周末的所有 星期五及星期六. The third 一年 will be spent working on the 论文.​


在前两年完成后,剩余的学时用于 论文. There are no “elective” courses in the core DBA courses, as this is 基于队列的项目.  However, students can choose an optional concentration that 需要额外的学分会计,管理,医疗保健领导,或定制 your own Professional Concentration. 

Will assignments be individual or team-based?

作业大多是个人作业,但每个教师都可以 teach his/her course as they please.

What should I expect while doing my 论文?

每个学生与他们的论文椅子工作,以确定论文的要求 这对他们来说是最好的.  学生s choose between a traditional 论文, a series 研究论文,或者可以完成一个主要的研究项目为您或其他组织.  在每种情况下,你都将进行研究,分析和撰写你的发现. At this stage 程序的, you will be working at your own pace. 然而,候选人 是否会经常与他们的论文主席和委员会会面 当然,当他们需要指导和建议时,一切都井然有序.

 What happens if I don’t finish my 论文 in the third 一年?

这是可能的,论文将不会在第三个结束时完成 一年. 根据规定,任何博士候选人完成任何一门课程的最长时间 doctorate program is seven 一年s. However, students are encouraged to finish as close 到尽可能的三年. If a student takes longer than three 一年s, they must 通过参加六学分的学位论文,保持在大学的注册资格 extension each subsequent semester until the 论文 is complete.  论文 extension classes are an additional cost.

Can you explain the variation in time to complete the 论文?

造成这种情况的原因可能是研究问题的性质,就业机会, 或者因为决定论文主题需要不同的时间,或者不同的 其他原因.

How do I choose my 论文 topic?

一旦你参加了DBA项目,接触了各种课程和主题,你可能会 find some topics of interest for your research. A faculty mentor is assigned after 第一年协助发展研究技能并提供有用的建议 as to how to complete the 论文 requirement. 


在这些情况下,典型的方法是首先将论文分成一些小主题. 你可以把这些提交给不同的学术刊物进行审查和发表 场馆. If accepted, they’ll publish your 提交s. However, there is no guarantee that your research will be published.


虽然没有必要,但预计许多学生将选择一篇论文 topic that can be directly applied to their current job.