

Dr. Reza Sarraf


            • Sarraf


电子邮件: rsarraf@crepedcrusader.com


办公室的位置: STEAM Building 117

D.Sc., Towson University - Maryland, 2019
M.S., Towson University - Maryland, 2012


Dr. Reza Sarraf is an 助理教授 in the Department of Computing Science at 杰克逊维尔大学. Dr. Sarraf holds a Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)资料 技术 and a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Towson University, Maryland, 和B.Sc. degree in Software Engineering. During 2013-2019, he served as an adjunct faculty in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Towson University where he was teaching C++ programming, computer networks, and general computer science 课程. In addition, he has served as a teacher assistant in a cryptography course and implemented two cryptocurrencies. 

Dr. Sarraf is currently teaching Computing Science and Cybersecurity 课程, such as Application Development, Object-Oriented Programming, Web Programming, Networks & Wireless Communication, Computer Architecture and Organization, Introduction to Cybersecurity, and Project Management.

Dr. Sarraf research interests include cryptography, cyber security, computer networks, programming languages, decision support systems, and big data.

Dr. 赛义德米. 而阿勒-哈吉


                                                                         Dr. 赛义德·哈吉被爆头

电子邮件: salhaj@crepedcrusader.com


办公室的位置: STEAM Building 118


Ph.D.、计算 & Information Systems, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2016.

M.Sc., Computer science, Yarmouk University, 2005.

B.Sc., Computer science, Yarmouk University, 2003.


Dr. Saeed 而阿勒-哈吉 is an 助理教授 of Cybersecurity in the Computer Science Department at 杰克逊维尔大学. Dr. 阿勒-哈吉获得了博士学位.D. 计算机及 Information Systems from University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC). 之前 joining 杰克逊维尔大学 in 2022, Dr. 而阿勒-哈吉 worked as 助理教授 in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science at Ohio 北方大学. 

Dr. 而阿勒-哈吉 is currently teaching several cybersecurity related 课程: Digital Forensics, Penetration Testing, Computer Ethics, Systems Administrations, etc. 他也参与其中 in teaching programming 课程 for first year students. Dr. 阿勒-哈吉得到了发展 and designed several lab exercises and hands-on experiments for his classes covering several topics including: cryptography, network security, web security, database security, IoT security, Raspberry Pi security and firewalls. 

Dr. 而阿勒-哈吉 research interests include Computer Security 教育; Computer Science 教育; Gamification in 教育; Computer and 网络安全; Cloud Computing Security; and Internet of Things (IoT) security. Dr. 而阿勒-哈吉 has received three NSA/NSF GenCyber grants of total ($296,344.00) while working at Ohio 北方大学.

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Dr. 迷你曾

助理教授, Director of the Center of Cybersecurity, CISSP


电子邮件: mzeng@crepedcrusader.com


办公室的位置: STEAM Building 119


Ph.D Computer Science, University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2018

M.S Computer Science, University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2014


Dr. Zeng is an 助理教授 of Cybersecurity and Computing Science in the Computer Science Department at 杰克逊维尔大学. Dr. 曾博士获得了博士学位.计算机博士 Science from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Dr. 曾加入了杰克逊维尔 2018年大学. 从2022年开始. Zeng served as the Director of Cybersecurity Training in 杰克逊维尔大学. 

Dr. Zeng is currently teaching Cybersecurity and Computing Science 课程, such as 软件工程、 Database design and development, 数据结构, 算法, 编程语言, 网络安全实习, 入侵检测, 网络安全.


  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
  • 软件安全
  • Artificial Intelligence and data mining
  • Database development and security
  • Eyetracking on human-computer interaction


  • NSF S-STEM Grant (Award Number: 203072, $943,266.00), PI


  • Zeng, Mini, Feng Zhu, and Sandra Carpenter. "Dynamic Warnings: An Eye Gaze-Based Approach." 国际 Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP) 16.1 (2022): 1-28.
  • 迷你曾, Feng Zhu, and Sandra Carpenter “Subliminal Warnings – A New Approach to Change Users’ Behavior”, The Fifteenth 国际 Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions ACHI 2022, Jun 2022 (pp.88-97)
  • 朱峰,卡朋特S,曾敏. Subliminal Warnings: Utilizing the High Bandwidth of Nonconscious 视觉感知. 国际 Conference on Persuasive 技术 2022 Mar 29 (pp. 255-271). 施普林格,可汗.
  • 曾、米妮和朱峰. "Secure Coding in Five Steps.网络安全杂志 教育, Research and Practice 2021.1 (2021): 5. 


  • F Zhu, M Zeng, S Carpenter, Systems and methods of providing gaze-based notifications, U.S. 专利的应用. 专利没有. US 10,162, 651, B1, Dec 2018




Computing Science Department


Computing Science Department
