出国留学 校友 Experiences: Natalia: Inverness, Scotland 2018年9月12日

欢迎回到JU校园的同学们! We have great new content to bring you this Fall 2018. 每周,全球网络赌博平台将重点介绍全球网络赌博平台的海外留学学生的经历 JU留学校友. JU students traveled to a variety of places this summer, so stay tuned to get an inside look on where their journeys took 他们!

本周,全球网络赌博平台将讲述Natalia的故事. She is an 国际 Business student who participated 2018年夏天在苏格兰因弗内斯的寄宿家庭体验 高地和岛屿以及JU. Her experience was culturally immersive and certainly 独特的. 与寄宿家庭住在一起,可以让你亲身体验中国 lives of families and students of that native country. 这是Natalia不得不做的 say about her experience in beautiful, wild Inverness.

Natalia smiling for the camera in front of the Scottish countryside.

当我在飞机上小睡一会儿醒来时,我透过窗户欣赏着 新的景色在我眼前. A picture filled with a green brush and small white 用来画羊群的斑点. 我想到的第一个想法是 was “Well, at least it reminds me a little bit of home.“风景绝对没有 有和我的国家哥斯达黎加一样高大雄伟的山脉,但是呢 it was a setting crowded with nature, hills, rivers, lakes, and trees. 片刻之后, 一想到要见我的新家人,我就打了个寒颤,使我心烦意乱 种族. 他们会喜欢我吗? 我能和他们相处得好吗? 令我惊讶的是,我 看到远处有一张小海报,上面写着我的名字和一个大大的微笑. My 紧张突然消失了. From that first moment, my host mother made me feel as if I was in the right place, at the right time.

凯瑟琳·罗兹和她的丈夫基思·罗兹是我在苏格兰的寄宿家庭. 他们 是一对退休的夫妇和他们的狗住在一个舒适的房子里吗 命名火星. Gogo is the smartest dog I’ve ever met in my entire life, and he loves 全心全意地爱凯瑟琳. Every time we went back to her house, Gogo would be 等着她,她一打开门,他就像疯了一样跳起来,试着 他使劲地舔她的脸. He would never go out for a walk if Katherine wasn’t 和他在一起. Once I tried to take him out on my own, and as soon as we were around the 在全球网络赌博平台去公园的路上,在凯瑟琳家的拐角处,他转过身来,注意到了凯瑟琳 他不在家,所以他狂奔回家,疯狂地叫着以引起他妈妈的注意. 我第一次认识凯瑟琳是通过一封电子邮件,是珍妮·罗兹介绍全球网络赌博平台认识的 我第一次看到了房子和花园的照片. 珍妮嫁给了凯瑟琳的儿子肯尼斯·罗兹,她也是那个 allowed my Scotland dream trip to become a reality. 珍妮在国外留学机构工作 高地和岛屿大学的办公室,并负责JU, 和斯泰森出国留学项目. 当他们问我是否想和 还是住在宿舍里,我毫不犹豫地选择了寄宿家庭. 我喜欢了解新的文化,我知道去苏格兰留学会很有帮助 打开通往新世界的大门. Not only would it open my mind to a new culture, but also 住在寄宿家庭能让我体验到完美的苏格兰礼仪, behaviors, preferences, food and slang language. 这个项目帮助我体验 一个新的世界,认识新的人,学习新的文化,发现新的部分 我自己.

The other students from around the world who spent time in Inverness.

The first days were all about introductions and orientation. 到处都是新面孔 这个地方. I started making new connections with students and professors from Stetson and UVU (as well as a couple of familiar faces from JU). 你能这么做真是太神奇了 在短短几天内找到真正亲密的朋友,即使他们与你有很大的不同 你,就像我的朋友米莱娜(她是一个时尚达人,喜欢穿得漂亮,有100 高跟鞋)和我(一个不打扮的足球女孩,只有几双鞋) 高跟鞋). We started off with a scavenger hunt in the middle of a new town and with 一群新的学生,他们将成为我的团队,参与这个项目的一个项目. 这次狩猎非常有趣,我第一次看到了我的 group members: Erica, Patricia, Leah and April. 它帮助全球网络赌博平台了解彼此 and also, get to know the town we were going to live in for several weeks. 的建筑, 那些桥,周围的人都和家乡大不相同. 第一个 所有的,有一些标志周围的街道和城镇一个全新的 language, which later on I learned was “Gaelic”. 然后,在因弗内斯镇附近, 在那里 was a beautiful and big park surrounded by the River Ness. 全球网络赌博平台没有 beautiful and vast parks back in Costa Rica. In Scotland, you can find yourself surrounded 人们遛狗、跑步、跟你打招呼、踢足球、玩“shinty”, a totally new sport I encountered in Scotland. This sport is considered “highly aggressive”, 但在和基思住在一起之后,基思自己也是一名优秀的球员(他甚至为 苏格兰国家队,现任卡马纳赫特协会主席), 我了解到这项运动的美妙之处. Shinty作为一个分支起源于爱尔兰 “投掷”,并展示了苏格兰历史的真实面目,以及 big rapport that exists between countries in the UK.

苏格兰是一个充满不同色彩的美丽国家,因弗内斯就是其中之一 the areas with the richest history in Scotland. 一切都是美丽而宁静的. 甚至下午和Gogo一起在离凯瑟琳和基思家最近的公园散步. We would walk Gogo and meet his friend “Nico” in the park. 然后,走完Gogo, 全球网络赌博平台会回来吃晚饭. 我很想念凯瑟琳做的菜! 她会做饭 我的早餐,午餐和晚餐. All new meals I’d never tried before, but I was 准备好尝试任何事情. I wanted to experience everything from the Scottish culture, and one of the most exciting things was the food. 回家吃早餐时,全球网络赌博平台有时 have rice and beans “gallo pinto” with eggs, or eggs with toast. 凯瑟琳做了 我每天的苏格兰早餐有培根,香肠,黑布丁,白布丁 pudding, poached eggs, eggs with salmon, porridge, or grilled mushrooms. 早餐 实际上是我一天中最喜欢的一餐,所以想象一下我是多么高兴和兴奋 早..... Lunch was mostly occasional since I regularly was in school or on a field 但有时她会寄给我几块美味的自制饼干 “酱”. Finally, dinner was the meal where I tried many different Scottish recipes like haggis, mince, tatties, lamb, and coleslaw. 尽管我想帮她, 她不让我靠近她的厨房. Sometimes she would let me cut the vegetables or set up the salad, but everything else was off limits. 只有一天我真的 去她的厨房做饭. On this day I made paella (a Spanish meal that my dad (家里的厨师)为全家人做饭. Last but not least, before, during, and after 大多数时候,全球网络赌博平台都会喝英国文化中最受欢迎的东西之一:茶.


After eating breakfast, Katherine would take me to the University. 苏格兰的街道 remind me a lot of back home, since they have numerous roundabouts. 下午, close to sunset, some roundabouts were full of little bunnies. 我以为他们是 太可爱了,凯瑟琳看着我兴奋的样子,只会笑. The University of Highlands and Islands was mostly modern and upscale. 我去了那里 除了周末,每天都要修两门课程:国际市场营销和 组织行为. Apart from class, some days they would give us time to work 在一个项目/实习中. My project was with a 5-star hotel called “尼斯 Ness Lodge”. 这是一个很棒的项目,其中最好的部分之一是与乔布斯合作. 尼斯 尼斯还是先生?. 卡梅隆(酒店老板). 在周末,全球网络赌博平台去了 苏格兰的不同地区. We went to visit “Tomatin” (a whisky distillery), Cairngorms (一个国家公园),尼斯湖,厄克特城堡,卡洛登战场,和 斯凯岛. Also, Katherine and Keith took me to different places like Fort George, Fort Williams, Cawdor Castle, Orkney, and to a couple of shinty games. 全球网络赌博平台曾经如此 全球网络赌博平台去奥克尼的时候运气不太好. Literally, the UK is a pretty bipolar country, the 天气会不断变化! Some days it will rain a lot, as most days are cloudy, but some days is really sunny out of nowhere. 当全球网络赌博平台决定了去的日子 Orkney none of us (Katherine, Jenni or me) checked the weather. 所以全球网络赌博平台最后去了 在一个可怕的阴雨天,全球网络赌博平台在那里错过了很多美丽的风景 奥克尼岛因为天气原因! It’s alright though, I wanted the true British experience 这正是我那天得到的. Orkney still is beautiful and I don’t regret 去那里.

我想念苏格兰的一切. But most of all, I miss the special people I met 在那里. 主要是凯瑟琳、基思、肯尼斯和珍妮,他们都让我觉得自己是其中的一部分 他们的家庭. Kenneth would even joke around that I was his little sister and that 比起他凯瑟琳更在乎我. Spending time with 他们 literally opened my 看到一个新的世界,看到你需要跳出你的自我 will miss the opportunity to get to know another piece of you. 如果我能选择的话 呆在家里而不去尝试新事物,那我就永远不会遇到他们, and I would never have had such an amazing experience. 机会来了又去 你的生活和他们真的可以在你的眼前掠过,而你甚至都没有注意到 他们. There is so much more in this world than what surrounds you. 有时候你只是 想要舒适,或者你只是害怕冒险,因为你不知道 会发生什么?. Uncertainty will always be 在那里, but you need to be brave enough 忽略它. Also, making these decisions on your own and being independent for a 几周的时间会帮助你找到真实的自己. 我明白了全球网络赌博平台不必害怕 向你周围的人展示真实的你,而全球网络赌博平台很多人都是全球网络赌博平台的 家庭,全球网络赌博平台的文化和价值观. 经过这次经历,我意识到我是多么 爱大自然的宁静的声音,我多么爱那激动和情感 围绕运动,我有多爱狗和它们的顽皮,我有多爱不同 各种各样的食物,但主要是早餐,我是多么喜欢太阳的反射 在宽阔的河流和湖泊里,我有多爱酥饼,最后,我有多爱 家庭的温暖. Right now 在那里 is one piece of my heart back in Scotland. 
