


Our courses involve you in every aspect of computer animation from ideation through modeling, texturing, rigging, animating, lighting, rendering and post-production as well as ancillary disciplines such as acting, computer programming and film.

Career opportunities include: film/broadcast animator, film/broadcast modeler, game animator, modeler, digital sculptor, designer, CAD designer, texture painter and motion 艺术家




Check-in for each audition or portfolio review will be at Terry Concert Hall.


Our program is grounded in knowledge of animation as researched by our instructors and informed by the experiences of our alumni and professionals within the discipline. Our rigorous curriculum equips you with both immediately marketable skills and the ability to adapt to constant and extensive change within the animation industry.



Eric Kunzendorf动画教授

Eric Kunzendorf has been teaching computer graphics and animation at the college level for the last two decades at such varied institutions as 杰克逊维尔大学, the New Hampshire Institute of Art, the Atlanta College of Art and the School of Visual 艺术学院萨凡纳校区. 他拥有哥伦比亚大学艺术史学士学位 and a Masters of Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting from the University of Georgia. 埃里克已经贡献了几本书,包括“掌握玛雅8.5”,“掌握玛雅 7”,“玛雅5精明”和“玛雅:专业人士的秘密卷. 1”. 他的动画“最终” Project Assignment” and “Mime In A Box”, have made appearances at the Siggraph Computer 分别于1999年及2000年参加动画节. 他2004年的动画《全球赌博十大网站》 of Netsuke" won first place in SEDAF-the Southeastern Digital Arts Festival. 他的动画 “Courage” appeared in the 2010 CitrusCel animation festival in Jacksonville, Florida. Most recently, his animation “Lathe of God” appeared in the 2013 CitrusCel animation festival in Jacksonville, Florida and the 2013 Blue Plum animation festival in Johnson 城市,田纳西. 他还展出了电脑生成的区域和 国家层面上.最近,他的动画“datastreamimagination”获得了荣誉奖 Mention at the 2019 Florida 动画 Festival and appeared in the renowned Breckenridge 科罗拉多州布雷肯里奇的电影节.

艺术奖学金 支付教育费用

The Department of 媒体艺术 offers 动画 scholarships based on the creative merit 以及你在投资组合中展示的增长潜力. 要有资格,你 have to create or have already created a digital portfolio, and you have to submit 在全球网络赌博平台的一次海选中,要么用电子方式,要么亲自来. 回顾全球网络赌博平台的试镜日期然后看看埃里克的 创建数字投资组合的技巧 这绰绰有余,而且 如何将你的作品集保存为PDF.

Professor Eric Kunzendorf points out features of ZBrush to a class of animation students.

动画的哲学 全球网络赌博平台为全球网络赌博平台所做的每件事注入生命!

一名学生检查海豚3D打印."Animate" means literally “to give life to; make alive;” and that describes what we 在生产的每一个层面. 杰克逊维尔大学动画专业的目标 is to foster that level of “life-breathing” in every class you take and every project 您创建. Models are more than just points, lines and polygons; they tell compelling 关于主题和你的技能的故事. 你将学习创造的技术技能 a fluid or particle simulation, but you as the artist-animator tell the story of the waterfall or lava flow that simulation is meant to represent through textures, lighting 和呈现.

The discipline of 动画 in which you start your studies will not be the same as when you finish; it changes very, very quickly. 因此,适应性包括 the ability to learn and incorporate new developments quickly will separate you from 单纯的软件操作员. 全球网络赌博平台发现让你接触广泛的学科 within 动画 and the broader range of the Arts and Sciences fosters adaptability 并为你在该领域的广泛工作做好准备. 全球网络赌博平台的文科核心 全球网络赌博平台的优势在这个领域吗.

All our classes are small and taught by exhibiting artists, active filmmakers and practicing designers, who represent sterling examples of what you want to become. We keep our student to faculty ratio low, but students across multiple disciplines take our classes so you will gain experience working with future business people, 护士、运动员、医生、律师以及其他艺术家.



We have welcomed visiting animators and artists at many levels and visited local businesses 全球网络赌博平台的动画师毕业后在哪里工作.


Wonder Dynamics的角色主管,创意总监 

David Komorowski is a master animator, he is currently the Creative Director and Head 位于加州好莱坞的Wonder Dynamics公司.  他工作了18年多 at Disney in various roles and worked on projects including Wreck-It Ralph, Tangled, 和超能陆战队.  


Associate Professor, Lecturer, Entertainment Arts and Engineering, University of Utah 

Throughout his career in the film, games, computer graphics and academia, he has specialized in 3D character production, character animation, motion capture and technical art. Prior to academic service at the University of Utah and the University of Central Florida, Brian worked as a character lead at various studios including Microsoft Game Studios, Take Two Interactive and Kodiak Interactive and as a senior digital sculptor 在观点数据库.


动画副教授 & 南佛罗里达大学数字建模专业

McArthur 弗里曼 II is a visual artist and designer whose work explores hybridity 以及身份的建构. 他的作品包括超现实主义的叙事性绘画 and drawings to digitally constructed sculptural objects and animated 3D scenes. 他的 most recent works combine three interrelated emerging technologies: digital sculpting, 3D扫描和3D打印. 弗里曼的研究成果发表在 当代非洲艺术杂志 and has been exhibited in over 50 group and solo shows within the United States. 弗里曼 earned his BFA degree in Drawing and Painting from the University of Florida. 他收到了 他在康奈尔大学获得艺术硕士学位,主修绘画. 他还持有一份 Master of Art and 设计 from North Carolina State University in 动画 and New 媒体. 弗里曼 currently continues to use digital tools to address traditional processes 当他探索创作和思考艺术的混合方式时.

所有的艺术 & 设计程序

艺术学院 & 设计提供了其他几个学习项目. 了解更多关于 杰克逊维尔大学提供的课程.

所有的艺术 & 设计程序